Cannes Lions



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Kutsukasu, a world's first online rental-service for running shoes, allowed runners to find their perfect match simply by answering a few questions about their running lifestyles, and renting their matches just by the click of buttons. During 3 days period, runners could run anywhere and return them without any maintenance, followed with special discount coupon in return. Kutsukasu has provided 2,100+ trial pairs, which fully maximised its capacity. Sales increased by 17% compared to 2010. Through Kutsukasu, adidas has disrupted a convention that running shoes are tried-on in near stores. Now runners are can try their dream shoes anytime, anywhere.


KUTSUKASU, a world's first online rental-service for running shoes, allowed runners to find their perfect match simply by answering a few questions about their running lifestyles, and renting their matches just by click-of-buttons. During 3 days period, runners could run anywhere and return them without any maintenance, followed with special discount coupon in return. KUTSUKASU has provided 2,100+ pairs of trial, which fully maximized its capacity. Sales increased by 17% compared to 2010. Through KUTSUKASU, adidas has disrupted a convention that running shoes are tried-on in near stores. Now runners are can try their dream shoes anytime, anywhere.


The result was outrageous. In it's 3 months period, KUTSUKASU was able to provide runners with more than 2,100 pairs to try on their anticipated adidas running shoes, where the service has maximized it's capacity. KUTSUKASU has contributed to the sales and has increase 2011’s sales by 17% compared with same season in 2010. Through KUTSUKASU, adidas has disrupted a convention that running shoes are tried-on in near stores. Now runners are can try their dream shoes anytime, anywhere.

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