Cannes Lions


FUSE, St Louis / FUSE / 2002

Presentation Image






The Fuse website was developed to educate and inform prospective clients and employees about Fuse. The mission is to become the first great African American owned agency defined only by the quality of the work. The website is a tool to educate the industry about minority advertising. Most minority advertising is considered second rate by the 'General Market', Fuse wanted the tone of the website to demonstrate that Fuse would not produce this form of advertising. The website demonstrates the capability to produce award-winning creative, designed to penetrate the target audience's internal emotion and transcend race. The website was also designed to inform the industry of the importance of developing a complete integrated marketing communications plan that is not centered around black history month. Minorities are slowly becoming the majority and brands need to take notice and place the same amount of resources to a minority campaign as it would a general market campaign. Fuse is leading the revolution in an attempt to change the way minority advertising is viewed, used and integrated into marketing communications plans.

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