Cannes Lions


FANCY, San Francisco / FANCY / 2009

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Presentation Image






Design the entire brand identity, positioning and launch materials for Fancy, a new creative hot-shop in San Francisco, CA.This included, among other things, Logo and word-mark, full suite of stationery materials, invitations for launch party, posters, employee handbook, T-shirts, building signage, logo application on furniture, CD labels, flash-drives and other collateral materials.


The juxtaposition of things considered sophisticated with gritty, urban elements became the overarching theme.The logo features a simple sans-serif letter F toped by a crown.The 8 business cards feature things like a flower growing out of a skull and a viper skinned in a Luis-Vuitton-like pattern. Posters and handbooks reinforce the culture through images accompanied by phrases like "toughlove" (brutal honesty) and "notallthat" (not taking ourselves too seriously).

The philosophy extended to things like the art around the halls of the office, where huge white rococo frames feature "Fancy" things smashed between sheets of glass.


Although it's only been 4 months since launch, Fancy was received by the industry with unparalleled praises and media coverage. Substantial articles in major magazines around the world, like Creativity, Shots and Boards Magazine covered the launch and subsequent news about Fancy, pointing out things like the reception desk Grand Piano, longboard meeting table and the all-white basketball hoop (people take pictures of it from Market St. as they walk by). The business cards quickly became collector's items, with clients asking for specific designs they don't have yet.

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