Cannes Lions



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Case Film






Denmark is a very small country with less than 6 million inhabitants and no famously known bucket list attractions for tourists to visit. Also, our economic resources to attract more tourists are small.

We needed to raise awareness of Denmark as a tourist country by supporting the existing campaign about “Don’t be a tourist - Be an explorist”.

To complete this task, our primary goal was to increase the awareness of Denmark in Germany, Sweden, Norway and The Netherlands to support the upcoming ad campaign – our secondary aim was UK.


We wanted to target bucket-list-tourism, and instead of VisitDenmark telling, how tourist-traps and the classic attractions are a waste of time - we made the attractions say it themselves.

In a film we brought the famous attractions to life using artificial intelligence and deepfake technology. Using only words and sentences generated by ChatGPT we could now experience Mona Lisa, the Statue of Liberty and many others recommend Denmark instead of standing hours in line to see themselves.

And using our target audience’s “own” attractions really got them talking.


Our idea was based on the current hype of AI, which we saw an opportunity to benefit from. Also using other nation’s attractions really got them interested and engaged them extremely easy.

We worked with 4 target audiences; Trade, Niche, Lifestyle and Daily News, and we hit them with the message "Denmark hijacks Mona Lisa with Artificial Intelligence and uses her as spokesperson", in order to activate our earned publicity.

The four different target audiences were approached in most of the European countries in local language and in the US.

This was supported with media bringing attention to the main film on YouTube and with a commercial agreement with Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and Mashable to kickstart and accelerate the buzz, but at the same time create more awareness towards our future visitors.


We created four different PR pitches. One for Trade, Niche, Lifestyle and Daily News, and used this together with our main- and supporting films to educate viewers in the idea and inspire the local countries to start approaching their local media.

On the 10th of February, all the countries were briefed on the idea and had the opportunity to give feedback. On the 2nd of March, we handed over our four different PR pitches, and we went live on Monday the 6th of March.

In the beginning, only Germany, Sweden, Norway and The Netherlands reacted, but more countries soon saw the PR potential of the idea. UK, US, France og Italia decided to put efforts into pitching the activation.


The campaign exceeded all KPI's and expectations. Our goal was shares and PR mentions in 4 countries, but we ended up with articles and shares in more than 25 countries and with a total reach of 425 M people.

And people actually stuck around!

With a measured dwell time on HuffPost 490% above benchmark and 290% above BuzzFeed benchmark, we could see that most people actually engaged with our content in many minutes.

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