Cannes Lions


STARCOM SWEDEN, Stockholm / KRAFT / 2010

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Voting for your favourite is something everyone is used to by now. If you don’t vote, you risk that your favourite is out.Since we needed to let the Swedish people know what was on stake, we had to announce the “election” in mass media. We used TV, not only traditional advertising buying mainly big Swedish produced formats, but also made a collaboration with Swedish Channel 5, who encouraged people to vote for their favourite in their own produced channel graphics.After launching the campaign, digital played most important role. We used creative display formats combined with SEM to direct people to the campaign site where the voting took place, and where they could indulge in Aladdin history and facts. Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and a Save Christmas blog, made it possible for people to support their favourite praline in a greater forum and make their voices heard.


Out of Sweden’s 9,000,000 inhabitants, over 500,000 visited the campaign site, and nearly 400,000 voted! There were 300 mentions in blogs, newspapers, TV- and radio shows.Our application on Facebook had 136,000 downloads during only three weeks, which made it the fastest growing app on Facebook worldwide during the first few days.Not only did we exceed the expectations for engagement, but also on sales, market share and volume. There was an increase of 3.6 percentage points to an impressive 56.8% of the total praline market (Nielsen)!

Aladdin has been able to consolidate its position as the true traditional Christmas praline –even for the new, younger families.

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