Cannes Lions



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Case Film






Situation: GSK has committed to protect people from herpes zoster, known as shingles. Yet even though 90%+ of the people aged 50+ already carry the virus that causes shingles, prevention through vaccination is still not a top priority among some healthcare professionals (HCPs). GSK therefore faced the challenge of enhancing HCP’s understanding around the burden of the disease at medical congresses, aiming to communicate information on shingles in greater depth.

Brief: GSK aimed to shift perceptions of shingles from benign to critical, recognising that traditional patient case studies are losing effectiveness. Seeking a novel activation, they aimed to combat shingles apathy and promote vaccination at the EULAR congress, targeting rheumatologists.

Objectives: Create a buzz around this age-old condition with a fresh-feeling, attention-grabbing activation at the GSK booth, bringing the impact of shingles to life, and engaging HCPs to discuss vaccination importance, particularly among immunocompromised patients.


To shatter shingles apathy and bring the discussion into the 21st century, we used cutting-edge technology to communicate the seriousness of shingles to HCPs.

Enter Albert, the world’s first android installed with a human virus. Created in collaboration with the robotics lab, Engineered Arts, he was flawless except for one crucial detail: a blistering facial rash.

Resembling a 50+ adult, the most at-risk group, Albert drew from GSK’s extensive research library to educate HCPs on shingles' seriousness, symptoms, epidemiology, the importance of prevention, and more.

Why opt for a humanoid robot rather than a human spokesperson? Albert brought a modern twist to shingles discussions, emphasising GSK's innovative spirit and unwavering commitment to remaining at the forefront of medical progress. This, in turn, enhanced the company's credibility among HCPs.

Moreover, Albert's susceptibility to the virus highlighted the indiscriminate nature of shingles, urging HCPs to take decisive action.


Target audience: Albert was tailored for global medical congresses, aiming to engage Vaccinators and Patient-Centric HCPs. Despite being familiar with shingles symptoms, they needed a fresh perspective to spur action, given the misconception of its benign nature and the assumption of already knowing about it due to its long-standing prevalence.

Objective: Revitalise discussions around shingles, updating for today’s patient-doctor conversations. Offer HCPs current, scientifically supported information, while emphasising GSK's role as vaccine innovators. Without new research on shingles, GSK had to educate HCPs effectively using existing data in a progressive and compelling way.

Approach: We modernised shingles discussions using cutting-edge technology—an advanced android capable of conveying scientific information. Albert seamlessly adjusts his language to reflect regional nuances, making him an ideal international spokesperson. His lifelike appearance and advanced automation created memorable engagement and stopping power. This technical approach reinforced GSK's reputation as innovators and their commitment to scientific advancement.


Implementation and Timeline: Albert's design required extensive research, including six months of planning and market analysis to ensure suitability in the medical landscape. Interviews and questionnaires informed GSK about Albert's relevance and effectiveness in shingles awareness. Crafted to inspire HCPs to protect patients, his scripts were tested with audiences resembling those at congresses.

Placement: Albert debuted at EULAR 2023, emphasising the risk of shingles interrupting rheumatology treatments. Using voice-transfer technology, GSK tailored its message for rheumatologists. At subsequent congresses, his content was adjusted accordingly.

Scale: Albert has appeared at medical congresses worldwide, including in Italy, France, Sweden, and the United States. Upcoming stops include the American College of Physicians (ACP) 2024 event in Boston and the European Renal Association (ERA) 2024 conference in Stockholm. Plans for future visits extend to Africa and Asia.


Albert was lauded as "a great initiative" by delegates for his proactive, face-to-face approach to disease awareness. His significant stopping power led to his selection as an 'Industry Exhibition Highlight' at EULAR 2023, where he was a focal point for selfies and social media videos.

At Pharmagora in Paris, he engaged hundreds of customers, making the GSK booth one of the most visited. 87% of surveyed pharmacists expressed readiness to discuss shingles vaccination after conversing with him.

Since EULAR 2023, Albert has travelled globally, sharing patient perspectives in multiple languages to enhance understanding and empathy around shingles. His Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an outstanding 77.5, considered "excellent" or "world-class."

HCPs who interacted with Albert commented that he's "bound to make a mark" in healthcare by "bringing us face to face with the evolution of technology."

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