Cannes Lions


FULL PAGE, Brussels / ALFA ROMEO / 2002

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An editorial media stunt … with, as editorial goal, between 15 and 20% of additional sales for the two daily newspapers. For the advertisers: a captive newspaper audience, a cover in the television news, several articles in the professional media and the magazines. A formidable editorial dynamics within the titles and a single contact with the readers. An advertising media stunt, “imposing” impact scores and advertisers fully satisfied by the operation. A unique use of the daily press to meet the advertiser’s concern while keeping intact a true editorial will to share a joint and exclusive project. An event greeted by all and which, on the level execution, has created, in the concerned agencies, the editing departments and Full Page, a formidable dash. A man … a woman … a car … Alfa 147. A launch that Alfa wanted to distinguish from other launches because of the dual positioning of the car: female look … male power. A common idea of the Media Centre Carat Crystal and the national Sales House Full Page to create a very special daily press campaign. A meeting with the editing departments of two dailies (De Morgen and Le Soir) both in search of a female readership and willing to do something exceptional together. In short, an extinguish common dash which led us to undertake a unique worldwide experiment to make two different versions of the same newspaper on the same day: one for the men, one for the women, both on editorial and advertising level. Radio, Print, POS made it possible to support the operation. The unique idea was to work in parallel – editing and publicity – in all independence. The readers took part in the making of each of the two versions and discovered two different newspapers and thus an increased interest. The advertisers profited from an exceptional editorial context and carried out two different creations to stick to the Men-Women concept. (Alfa, Nivea, Inno, Deutsche Bank, Dior).


A man … a woman … a car … Alfa 147. A launch that Alfa wanted to distinguish from other launches because of the dual positioning of the car: female look … male power. A common idea of the Media Centre Carat Crystal and the national Sales House Full Page to create a very special daily press campaign. A meeting with the editing departments of two dailies (De Morgen and Le Soir) both in search of a female readership and willing to do something exceptional together. In short, an extinguish common dash which led us to undertake a unique worldwide experiment to make two different versions of the same newspaper on the same day: one for the men, one for the women, both on editorial and advertising level. Radio, Print, POS made it possible to support the operation.

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