Cannes Lions

All I Want For Christmas Is A Goat


Case Film
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Goats odd-sounding bleating has lately become a pop cultural phenomenon online. Also, nothing creates a cosy christmas mood better than music. So by combining Christmas music with the characteristic screams of the goats, we created “All I Want For Christmas Is A Goat” – the world’s first music album where goats sings our fondest Christmas songs. The album was released on all major streaming services where the revenues from the streaming went to ActionAid. In connection to the album people were encouraged to buy a goat on ActionAid’s webshop.


The news about the music album was pitched towards top tier media (Mashable etc.) because that tier 2 media makes stories on these big stories, and so on. That created a long tail of media exposures globally. We pitched the music towards large radio station to get it on heavy rotation and we pitched tv stations and morning shows. We offered selected media to get a living goat to the studio, to entertain even more. We executed the campaign during first week of december and kept up the momentum during entire december. The massive impact in USA spread the news globally and we kept the momentum going by pitching strategic large medias in Asia, Africa, Russia etc. The campaign became news all over the world and the scale was massive.


All I Want For Christmas Is A Goat became a viral global success that created an estimated reach of over 700 million impressions world wide. The entire project was executed with a minimal total budget of 7 000$ and $0 in media budget. Huffington Post named the campaign "The best marketing stunt ever" and the article on Mashable has almost 100 000 shares, which is one of the most shared article in the history of Mashable. The music has been shared over 500 000 times on social media and has over 2.6 million views on YouTube. The visits to ActionAid’s webhop hit a record and sales increased with 41% from the previous year, which is the largest increase in sales ever for ActionAid. These results made the campaign the most successful one in ActionAid’s history.

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