Cannes Lions

Allied Brands

AMBEV, Sao Paulo / AMBEV / 2019


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






Skol already made cash donations and was renowned for sponsoring events connected with the LGBTQ+ cause, such as the São Paulo Pride Parade. However, the client wanted more. They wanted to generate buzz and call the attention of the whole country to the month of June – LGBTQ+ Pride Month. The briefing even included the suggestion of inviting another brand to take part in the campaign, like Trident, for instance. Then, the agency asked: “Can we invite more than one brand?” The answer: “The more brands, the better”. The rest is history.


During the whole LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Skol, the biggest beer brand in Brazil, donated the “L” of its brand to the LGBTQ cause. Yes, the Skol “L” turned into the “L” for Lesbian. And to start the action, we invited other big brands to donate the “G”, “B”, “T”, and “Q”. The brands invited were Burger King, Bis, Trident and Quem Disse Berenice. Later, we opened the invitation – with a sequential newspaper ad – for other brands to donate letters and join the #ALLIEDBRANDS.


Through Skol’s social networks, we opened the invitations to the first brands. After completing the LGBTQ acronym, it was time to get the “+”.

But, how to manage to get in touch with so many directors of big companies in such a short time? Running an invitation-ad in one of the most read newspapers in the country. Sure enough: in less than 24 hours, more than 50 big advertisers got in touch showing interest in joining the campaign.

Moreover, we created a kit with products – of the first 5 allied brands – with the logos missing the donated letters. The kits were sent to influencers connected with the cause, which helped in the promotion and the “pressure” for other brands to join the project.


Our chronogram was very tight. After the idea was approved, we had less than 10 days to get the first brands. In the last hours of the deadline – when all seemed lost – we got the last letter we were missing: the B, which was donated to the bisexuals by the brand BIS.

From then on, a true HQ was formed at the agency: we produced the ads and the digital pieces (posts by the first brands) to post on the social networks and begin the campaign. The ad directed the interested brands to a mini-site: There, the interested parties got in touch via e-mail. When an agreement was settled, our HQ would start to produce the pieces of that brand – without the donated letter – in real time and uploaded them almost instantly.


We didn’t have numbers so clearly defined. Everything began with 5 big brands and the goal that more brands would join spontaneously. 50 brands reached out to join the movement. Of these, 11 closed the deal, totaling 16 allied brands, who, together, impacted more than 80 million people, a growth of 2,600% compared to the previous month, and with more than 90% positive reactions.

Besides an innovative campaign, where 16 brands altered their most valuable asset – their own logos – we were able to get big advertisers to use the same visual identity for 1 month on the social networks and to position openly in favor of the LGBTQ cause.

Each brand donated an amount in cash to four LGBTQ+ NGOs. We raised R$ 389.000,00, which covered the costs of the organizations for one year. And Skol consolidated its position at the forefront of brands that support the movement

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