Cannes Lions



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For Netflix one of its main objectives is to connect with the world of movie critics, as it is an audience essential for films and series to be successful. Therefore, one of the most important briefs during the year is to reach them in a different way and to get them to talk about Netflix movies and series.


To be reviewed by the best critics as a scary film, a horror film must first be seen by them. Lately, however, the reviews are no longer good because every horror movie seems already seen.

But Netflix found a way to terrify everyone even before A Classic Horror Story, its latest horror film, was released: it sent to them Andy, a hand that looks and feels like a real hand, able to recognise fear and return a pleasant squeeze of comfort, as if someone were at our side.


Horror film fans and critics are very different, but there is one thing they have in common and that is the desire to feel scared by horror films. They measure a film's ability to be scary by whether you can watch it alone or not: if a film is really scary, you need someone to watch it with.

Netflix's brilliant move was to anticipate this insight and give them in advance a hand to lend so they wouldn't be too afraid to watch A Classic Horror Story on their own.

Receiving that hand frightened them so much that they immediately started talking about the new horror film coming out, which was also of interest to non-genre fans. A Classic Horror Story became the scariest horror film even before its release.


The design of Andy was made with custom hardware components, both in terms of chips and finger motorisation, together with pressure sensors. The hand was printed in 3D and then coated with a special silicone in an entirely hand-designed mould, in 3 different colours of skin. Details are not details: the nails, the hair, the pores of the epidermis, everything has been done to resemble a real hand. The hand is equipped with 14 phalanges and phalanxes. It is as soft to the touch as a real hand and is intelligent: it squeezes and lends your hand in the most frightening moments. Thanks to its sensors, Andy recognises fear and gives back a pleasant feeling of comfort.

It was so well received that people asked to Netflix to produce it more and again.


A Classic Horror Story was very well received by horror fans and critics and the film became the most watched Italian horror movie on Netflix. Andy has been so popular on social networks that owners have decided to resell it on Ebay, at shocking prices.

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