Cannes Lions


DDB PARIS, Paris / ANLCI / 2013


6 Gold Cannes Lions
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To help the ANLCI to make illiteracy the «National Cause» of 2013, a label is attributed by the french government every year. We started in October 2012 with an ad campaign that put literate people in the same situation as the illiterate ones : at first glance, they could think that they were facing a movie poster or an usual ad billboard, because we had used all the visual codes of cinema and/or advertising categories ; only reading the text could give you the key to understanding. Soon, dozens of blogs echoed the campaign. It was quoted by the traditionnal media, including TV. Thousands of people answered the appeal and joined on illettrisme2013 to sign the online petition, which was sent to the french government in january 2013. As a result, on February 2013, the french prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, took the decision we hoped so much : illiteracy became the new National Cause. Which meant more money and ressources allocated to the 64 associations federated by the collective, more means to fight for literacy and to help 3 million people to get a better life.


So we used what people see most on the walls, but also in magazines and on the web : advertising. And we gave those familiar posters a subtle twist. At first glance, you could think it was a usual ad or movie poster, because we had kept all the visual codes of automobile, cosmetics, swim suits or heroic fantasy. It only took you to read the line, one second later, to understand what it really was : an appeal to fight against illiteracy, by signing the online petition on

At the beginning of 2013, after the media had widely echoed the campaign and relayed the appeal to sign, the petition was sent to the French government.


The campaign was echoed by dozens of blogs and news sites, such as 20 Minutes, Minute Buzz, Business Flood, Yahoo Actualités, EllesEnParlent, Scoop it!, Acta Diurna, Fast&Curious, Le Monde...

It was also quoted by the traditionnal media (newspapers like Le Monde or Le Figaro, TV like BFM or Direct 8, radio like France Inter or Europe1...)

Some associations, like Les Restos du Cœur, the Red Cross or Secours Populaire, even relayed it on the social networks and/or through their inner associative network.

More over, thanks to the campaign, 60 of the main powerful national organisations in France accepted to sign the online petition. They all signed in name of their numerous members. Like the association of French mayors (36 000 mayors), 2 out of the 3 French Federation of Pupils' Parents (gathering 500 000 parents), or 6 of the main French trade unions (2 million people), to name a few ones...

In January, the cause had won the support of 3 million people.

In february 2013, the ultimate goal was reached : french prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault officially announced that illiteracy had become the new «national cause».

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