Cannes Lions


ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo / AMBEV / 2014


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Images
Case Film






Brazil’s Branded Entertainment landscape is still dominated by TV, but it’s been reinventing itself thanks to the integration of new media. The power of the Internet, catalyzed by the enormous reach of mobile platforms and devices, has been significantly changing the way Brazilians enjoy TV content. This scenario has generated new Branded Content opportunities, especially for creative actions that rely on the integration between 2 or more media vehicles to connect advertising storytelling with the everyday life of customers. In spite of this positive scenario, most projects still represent a great challenge for agencies, since many clients are too reluctant to try using new, emerging media. But it’s worth noting that even this reluctance from clients has been changing in the past few years.


The Samba Table project brought Antarctica closer to its customers. By taking innovation and interactivity to the bar table, which is such a common object, the brand managed to surprise both its traditional customers, who have been drumming on bar tables since forever, and young customers, who have learned to love samba and were amazed at the possibility of sharing their creations on social networks.


The Samba Table stood out as a successful case in the Brazilian beer market, as it exceeded all expectations in terms of both shares and spontaneous media generated. We managed to reach our main goal: to preserve an important part of Brazil’s culture by upgrading the tools for creating and experiencing samba vis-à-vis the expectations of a generation that has grown used to carrying the Internet everywhere it goes. In a nutshell, technologies have changed so Antarctica merely added interactivity to a tradition.

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