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Beatbullying, the UK’s leading bullying prevention charity, has identified a growing bullying threat – cyber-bullying.Cyber-bulling takes bullying out of the playground and into the digital world making tormentors hard to escape, and hard to identify.Beatbullying knew that one in three young people have experienced cyber-bullying and wanted to focus attention over Anti Bullying Week (ABW Nov 16-21) on highlighting its serious threat.

A four phase strategy was created.

1) Release of a news story aimed at illustrating the scale of cyber-bullying and name and shame the social networking sites that cultivate the most cases.2) Ensuring young people knew where to go for help, namely Beatbullying’s peer advice site, by working alongside role models they’ll listen to.3) Tackling cyber-bullying head on by seeking endorsement from the Secretary of State for Education and challenging the social networking community to better support young people affected by bullying online.4) Solid media partnerships to allow Beatbullying to deepen its message and reach out to even more troubled children.The campaign delivered real change with Bebo and MSN adding panic buttons on their websites, a 108% rise in traffic to and ROI of £874: £1.


The campaign bombarded the news agenda with coverage appearing throughout ABW across the media.

Statistics that shock - news story released to national media. Story sparked debate and discussion with detailed pieces across the media.Youth content - Cybermentors produced a song educating their peers about cyber-bullying; R U Cybersafe?N-DUBZ added vocals to the track which was downloadable at Beatbullying’s websites.Aston, lead singer of JLS, met a class of school children with media joining him to hear his bullying story.Tackling online bullying head onEducation minister Ed Balls MP endorsed the campaign adding to media materials and appearing in photos with N-DUBZ and the R U Cybersafe? songwriters.This political weight was used to push the social networking sites into action.

Media partnerships: Beatbullying forged a campaign with News of the World called Click Bullying Into Touch and joined the BBC’s huge Bullyproof ABW campaign.


6,000 kids downloaded the R U Cybersafe? track and 148,000 views on YouTube of the accompanying video.68,500 watched Aston’s Beatbullying film.19,798 children came to Beatbullying for help over ABW.Mr Balls’ involvement showed serious Government support.The Prime Minster’s wife, Sarah Brown, fuelled debate ‘tweeting’ about the campaign.Bebo and MSN introduced panic buttons by the close of ABW.20,000 NOTW readers clicked through to Beatbullying’s website at launch. The campaign continues.14 pieces in national print media, 31 broadcast items, 218 online pieces, 18 magazine articles.PR Value of £3,582,075 and a reach of 5,463,800,526.

108% rise in traffic to£874:£1 ROI.

Emma-Jane Cross, CEO of Beatbullying said: “We achieved a level of success which couldn’t have been touched without your persistence and belief in the potential to create a world without bullying.”

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