Cannes Lions



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Raj Mistry/Photographer To highlight the fact that smoking causes impotence in a memorable, cost-effective manner.

(The traditional way to dissuade smokers- to link smoking and lung diseases- was no longer working. The fact that smoking can affect sexual performance was, we thought, a more powerful motivator.) In the heart of the Mumbai city, there is a gigantic deserted industrial complex called ‘Metal Box.’ The whole complex is full of dilapidated iron and steel structures, including tall rusty chimneys. One of these chimneys has a peculiarity which made it ideal for the message we want to communicate.The top portion of the chimney tip is broken and hangs down limply, held by a slender sliver of metal.

Also, this chimney is nearly 100 metres tall and is clearly visible from the hundreds of residential and office premises that surround the complex.We installed a 10ft by 6ft banner just below the broken portion that simply said- SMOKING CAUSES IMPOTENCE. 1) The media team used its contacts in the Outdoor Dept. to negotiate an economical price for rawmaterial and installing the hoarding. (This was important as the client, Indian Cancer Society, had a negligible budget)2) The media team also persuaded the caretakers of the industrial complex to let us use their premises for a nominal fee. 1) Not too many people in India are aware of the link between smoking and impotence. This media innovation highlights this fact with clarity and wit.2) It makes the perfect use of the medium. The message-’SMOKING CAUSES IMPOTENCE’ by itself, is a very simple message, but when placed next to a broken chimney tip, suddenly becomes very powerful because of its situational context.3) The location is perfect. The message is posted on a 100 metre tall chimney in the heart of Mumbai city, which makes it impossible to miss from hundreds of offices and residential complexes surrounding the area.

4) It is dirt cheap. The total cost of the project was 4000 Rupees (About 98 $). Since it’s not commercial space, we had the hoarding up for a full 5 months and took it down only when the monsoons started.

5) It generated huge word-of-mouth which further multiplied reach. The media innovation also found mention in a local FM radio station programme.


1) The media team used its contacts in the Outdoor Dept. to negotiate an economical price for rawmaterial and installing the hoarding. (This was important as the client, Indian Cancer Society, had a negligible budget)2) The media team also persuaded the caretakers of the industrial complex to let us use their premises for a nominal fee.

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