Cannes Lions

Anti-Virus Mobility


Case Film
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Case Film






The threat of COVID-19 has made people refrain from non-essential outings and few people visit stores to buy home appliances. Panasonic's salespersons were losing the existing customer touch points.

On the other hand, Panasonic Corporation conducted tests at the French research institute, Texcell.It was confirmed that nanoe™ X (hydroxyl radicals contained in water) has a 99.99% inhibitory effect on the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 2 hours.

(*This verification was designed to generate basic research data on the effects of nanoe™ X on the novel coronavirus in laboratory conditions different from those found in living spaces. It was not designed to evaluate product performance.)

Panasonic needed to make the most of nanoeX technology to provide a safe air environments and infrastructures for all, i.e., establishing a new business field that contributes to society.


We have invented a new service called "Anti-Virus Mobility" by combining Panasonic's virus suppression technology with Grab, a transportation service that anyone can easily use in Southeast Asia.

We have transformed the perception of the ride-hailing vehicle 180 degrees, from a "closed space with a high risk of COVID-19 infection" to a "running showroom where you can experience the Panasonic's technology with virus suppression effects".

With this, pregnant women, the elderly, and all other people who need to move around have mobility they can rely on.


In order to capture the attention in Southeast Asia and best communicate the company's stance and solutions to COVID-19 to multiple countries across national borders, we used the space inside the ride-hailing Grab as a medium.

Since many people in Southeast Asia did not have their own cars, collaborating with ride-hailing was one of the best solutions to meet the inevitable transportation needs (e.g., pregnant women, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses) during when the virus is spreading.

More importantly, drivers can support the ride-hailing industry themselves by proactively improving the environment in their vehicles to attract passengers who are reluctant to ride for fear of infection.

The message is very simple "Panasonic nanoeX on Grab", a key word substantiated by the fact. The keyword was used at press conferences and on the car wraps driving around the city.


The project was carried out in five cities, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi, with a total of 5,500 drivers. All drivers were provided with a training program on the mechanism of nanoeX virus suppression technology and the health implications of installing it. The drivers became evangelists for nanoeX. Digital advertisements were also deployed on the screen when using the ride hailing on the Grab app, which was implemented as an OMO for the customers.After two months of regular installation, the purifiers were provided free of charge to the drivers and continued to be installed in almost all Grab cars.

Rather than simply renting out space or placement in existing advertisements, we emphasized the importance of consistency with the social significance for the operator, Grab. The two companies' paths were aligned to provide the best and healthiest service to passengers by providing a safe and secure.


We had more than 300 reliable articles all over the SE Asia and it had a positive impact on related products.

Grab drivers who did not participate in the project became the talk of the town, and many of them voluntarily contacted Grab headquarters to purchase nanoeX purifiers for themselves.

The impact of the project has not only been felt in the car, but has also contributed to the sales promotion of related products, such as the decision by a supermarket owner to switch from another company's air conditioner to an air conditioner equipped with nanoeX.

Sales of nanoeX-equipped residential air conditioners improved 187.6% year on year (January-March 2021).

*Sales in Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia combined.

*Since most of the housing in Singapore is public condominiums, it is difficult to influence the market, so it is excluded from the calculation.

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