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Atmosphere Respiratory Platform is an integrated communication project of GlaxoSmithKline with six various components for healthcare professionals dealing with respiratory diseases. The platform launched in April 2013 with all components (regional, national and international meetings, internet platform “”, live webcasts, tablet and smart phone app’s).

• Meteor (Meteor): Medical education video courses given by key opinion leaders (KOLs) on various topics about diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases (web-based)

• Weather Condition (Hava Durumlari): Media coverage review of respiratory diseases articles to better understand patient attitudes and awareness, hosted by famous journalist and anchorwoman Banu Güven (live broadcast + regional meetings)

• Anatolian Air (Anadolu Havalari – “air” also means “tune” in Turkish): Four documentaries about respiratory diseases in Anatolia-Turkey, directed and hosted by the famous director of documentaries Tayfun Talipoglu (premieres on National Respiratory Congresses + sales force presentation + VoD in web platform)

• Atmosphere Interactive (Atmosfer Interaktif): First tablet magazine in respiratory field, fictional Seretide patient-contributors, real physician contributors. Atmosphere Interactive has won the grand prix in National Healthcare Awards in 2013 (tablet app)

• Discussion (Diskussion): Live broadcasts from local and international clinics on asthma and COPD. Discussion can be watched in sales force organised regional meetings with physicians. First live broadcast was from Cape Town (also VoD in web platform)

• Oxygen (Oksijen): Online gamification courses for residents. The physicians can join the game with their avatars and play by taking the online courses (tablet and phone app)


This long-term project was launched in April 2013 both with sales force and digital channels. It was also launched in National Congresses with related medical associations.

Each “Anatolian Air” documentary movie has its premiere on the National Respiratory Congress, with special purple carpet* arrivals of the attendees and live webcast like Oscars (*the main product of GSK respiratory pipeline is Seretide, with purple brand colour). The first documentary movie 'Smoking and COPD' will be featured on 6. European Congress on Tobacco or Health ( on 27 March 2014.

The name Diskussion (live broadcasts) derives from the product Seretide Diskus. First live broadcast was from Cape Town. The webcasts are later available on the website as videos on demand. is the common platform of the project consisting of all the components, with tablet and mobile applications and can be used by member physicians with a username provided by the field force.


Over only an 11 month period, over 1,200 physician members have been registered on the platform. Also, more than 1,000 physicians are covered in face-to-face regional and national meetings and live broadcasts.

In surveys, spontaneous recall of the project and its internet platform among competitor projects was highest.

Since the project was recognised as a Best Practice at GSK Turkey, plans are underway to implement the project in other countries as well.

Seretide has become the best selling Rx product in Turkey, and the sales targets of GSK in respiratory field have been exceeded by the end of 2013.

With the contribution of this brand new communication platform, sales force effectiveness increased dramatically: Increase in call length; Greater opportunity to engage in dialogue with physicians; Increased SF engagement. Also, operational effectiveness increased: Increased physician reach (7% of members outside segmentation); Improved efficiency due to better understanding of healthcare professionals' preference/interests/needs (GSK internal report).

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