Cannes Lions

Audience Delivery

DM9, Sao Paulo / IFOOD / 2024


1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Bronze Cannes Lions
5 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image







No open TV channel bought the rights to the Women FIFA World Cup, making it hard for Brazilians to watch the games and manifest their support for the Brazilian National Team and to allow Women football to gain traction in Brazil.


Use the massive audience iFood has, with its 50 million active users in Brazil, and take advantage of the fact that iFood has an average 38 minutes per week interaction from active users and serve them the Women FIFA World Cup.


We wanted to show our support to the Brazilian national team and Women football and use the World Cup to increase sales and food orders on our app during the games.


We used iFood app's massive audience and bought the live streaming rights of all 64 Women FIFA World Cup games and broadcast them for free inside our app.

So anyone who opened iFood to order food was able to watch any of the games, and anyone who came to watch the games on iFood because they couldn't find it anywhere else to watch, would be tempted to order food on iFood.


Target: Anyone who is an active user on the app. Nearly 50 Million Brazilians that spend at average 38 minutes per week scrolling through the app.

Approach: We did what we do, we delivered what people wanted. That being either football or food and most of the time, both.

iFood partnered with Casimiro, the biggest Youtube Sports Streamer in the World and placed his stream for free inside our app.

People would come for food and stay for the game. People would come for the game and would end up ordering food.

We had a total audience of 21 million people watching the games inside our food delivery app.


Implementation: Partnership with a well known sports influencer, giving notoriety to the fact that iFood would be the place to go to watch the Women FIFA World Cup.

Timeline: The 40 days of the World Cup.

Placement: Our app. iFood.

Scale: Total audience of 21 Million people.

iFood partnered with Casimiro, the biggest Youtube Sports Streamer in the World and placed his stream for free inside our app.


23% orders increase compared to the same period the year before.

21 Million people watched the games inside our food delivery app.

Average of 70 minutes spent watching the games.

4.5 Million in earned media.

86% Positive Sentiment about the brand, strengthening even more iFood's position as Brazil's most loved brand.

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