Dubai Lynx

Audio Hunters



1 Bronze Dubai Lynx
1 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






With the regional automotive market down 23%, this year’s Dubai International Motor show was THE occasion for all car brands to show their muscles to the car lovers and potential buyers.

With 550+ cars presented at the show, 101 “exclusive” regional launches and 6 worldwide premieres, this year’s show looked like a madness parade with all car makers shouting louder and making more noise than the other one; hoping to grab the attention of the 105,000 distracted visitors.

The challenge for INFINITI was to cut through the clutter to compete with the showmen brands, expected to spend millions on their stands, and get the people to engage with their favorite models, to learn and experience the cars in a meaningful and impactful way.


While every car maker was competing for attention by putting on a bigger show, a shinier activation, a more aggressive promotion or by inviting the latest fad in the influencer world during the International Dubai Motor show, INFINITI decided to do the unthinkable. No sales pitch. No shouting out. No celebrity guests. Just the car and you.

INFINITI introduced Audio Hunters, an immersive experience where visitors get to know the car in a unique and exclusive way. The Hunters were equipped with high-end headsets enabling them to walk freely through the stand, unlocking and uncovering hidden audio bites placed around the cars, containing stories from real INFINITI drivers allowing them to get new and different perspectives on their favorite models.

We didn’t just show our cars. We let our cars do the show.


The activation took place on the INFINITI stand at the Dubai Motor show over the course of the 4 days open to the public.

The activation was designed in partnership with our tech partners to create a smooth experience for our “Hunters”. Audio beacons strategically placed around and inside the cars were activated and triggered based on motion matching the right content accordingly to our Hunters’ location.

The best advertising on the ground for our activation was the actual participants going through the experience with prospects around the stand wondering what the “people with headsets” were doing and why our stand looked like a silent rave party.

To get the visitors to engage even further with our content over the span of 4 days, exclusive audio bites with immediate prizes, including F1 tickets, were hidden around the stand and released throughout the day.

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