Cannes Lions


BBDO MEXICO, Mexico City / PEPSI / 2014

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Case Film
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PEPSI in Mexico was losing relevance among consumers, for 2013 the brand urgently needed to re-engage and reignite interest, generate conversations and being part of the pop culture, to recover the youngsters’ flag that had in the past.

As if this were not enough, the context in Mexico during the second semester of 2013, became more complicated and aggressive with several brands having campaigns presenting soccer stories as a warm up for the World Cup. PEPSI brand had to stand out even when it was not an official sponsor of the event.

Being Mexico a country where soccer football is the most important sport and recognizing that Mexicans just can’t resist the chance to add funny nicknames to people, and when it comes to football, this practice is not an exception “baptizing” soccer players as a common sport played by Mexican fans. So in football, we have “The Sheep”, ”The Monkey”, The Pérez Rabbit”, “The Louse” and of course “Horrible Peralta”.


Media strategy was conceived having on mind the objective of generating reach and frequency by using both ATL and Digital media.

The TVC was launch in June 2013 using open TV and Cinema.

In social network, YouTube was used to generate conversations around “Beautiful Peralta”.

In addition, with the objective of encouraging soccer fans before and after every match, a print campaign was implemented to reinforce Pepsi’s support to Oribe as a national hero. Thanks to these actions, people talked about the new nickname across social network.

From that moment, when Oribe participates in a match and particularly, every time he scores a goal, his nickname becomes a trend topic on Twitter nationwide.

People adopted the campaign, the nickname, the brand and at the end “word of mouth” resulted our most effective media.


The campaign brought immediate positive effects, embraced by newspapers and by every sportscaster mentioning Oribe Peralta’s new nickname and giving us free media mentions resulting in more than 3 000 000 organic views on YouTube.

The success did not stop there, since Oribe Peralta included his new famous nickname on his official team jersey. Pepsi made Oribe looked beautiful, while Oribe placed Pepsi on everyone’s minds.

In terms of effectiveness, the results achieved were overwhelming:

- Pepsi increased main brand indicators: TOM, Last month consumption and Trial.

- Double digit sales growth.

- Achieving 94% growth in views on YouTube.

- Obtaining 31% growth in likes in Facebook.

- Accomplishing 72% growth in followers in Twitter.

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