Cannes Lions



Case Film






Festivals usually gather different artists in many stages, all running at the same time. This creates a feeling in the audience that they are missing something. Beldent Random Music Fest solves this problem by a new format: different artists programmed continuously in a multi-stages set up, keeping the audience’s dynamic through the Lighthouse random stage selection. An extra surprise: the audience doesn’t know when each band will play.

Beldent needed a different approach to land in the world of music festivals. A limited edition pack with random flavors allowed people to attend the first music festival in Random Mode. A change of roles took place: brands which are usually sponsors became co-producers. This led the brand to design an integrated campaign towards the Fest concept. Everything had to be customized to fit the new format and generated different innovations.

To enhance the random experience we created a mobile app with different functions:

- It detected which song was being played and displayed the lyrics so people could sing along. The screen turned the background into the same color of the active stage.

- It allowed people to choose the band that would perform the encore. The backend was developed using PHP, MySql and the Rest api in Twitter, reflecting the ranking votes from tweets and sms on the LED screens.

BRMF is an absolute innovation in music entertainment. It involves:

A) A change in the cultural mindsets of the music industry players. We had to establish a new level of negotiations. Agencies, promoters, producers and media had to reformulate their interpretation of a festival.

B) A technical coordination challenge: All the technical services needed to be perfectly synched while musicians were waiting for the signal to come out and play.

C) A spatial design: We carefully designed the whole place in order to have 10.000 people running from stage to stage without any risk.

The technology stack is controlled by our partner agency and that received support from Beldent´s marketing budget, will see a new edition on May 4, 2013 and a regional development for different Latin-American countries in 2014.


Due to its success, there will be new dates in 2013 in Argentina and a worldwide roll out is on the works. Brazil, Mexico and Colombia go random in 2014. This project is also transforming Mondelez International which would create a regional team leading the expansion of Random Fest as a business model.

This festival creates a challenge to develop new live music formats. It makes musicians think about their performance in festivals in a different way, and it even makes the music industry think about new musical products.

The outcome was outstanding:

-10.000 millenials attended and 250.000 experienced it live thanks to the streaming from Beldent´s Facebook fan page and from clarí

-#BeldentRandom was trending topic top 20 in the world and Beldent´s Facebook page surpassed 1 million fans. Rolling Stone magazine validated it as a new format with the potential to stay in the world of music.

Not only did Beldent build a link to music but it created a brand new product in the music industry, going beyond consumer goods category. The brand became owner of this new format, totally differentiated to the usual “sponsoring”. Beldent Random Music Fest became Argentina’s third more relevant music fest in consumer’s mind having only one edition. Brand equity indicators climbed rapidly while other business indicators such as SOM also had a very positive evolution. The ROI of the event will remain relevant on the long run since all brand indicators (bonding, advantage, performance, relevance and presence) raised after it.

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