Cannes Lions


LODUCCA MPM, Sao Paulo / AMBEV / 2010

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Water shortage is one of the issues that will most distress the world in the near future. Of the little fresh water available for human use, 14% is in Brazil.

This abundance prompted a nearsighted view of the issue on the part of Brazilians.

To face this problem, the Cyan Movement was born, lead by AmBev, a Brazilian beverage company part of AB-InBev, the world's largest brewery. The movement is a continuous multiplatform project, aimed at calling attention and mobilizing Brazilian society.

Based on the concept: Those who see water perceive its value, the launch campaign's objective was to insert itself in the daily lives of Brazilians, breaking people's routines and asking for their commitment. The Cyan Movement also included a partnership with the WWF for the preservation of water basins, the Menos 1L; movement to stimulate water conservation, and development and implementation of the Water Footprint by AmBev.


On World Water Day, an event for the press and opinion makers brought together international water specialists for the Movement's launch. The event was broadcast live on the internet. Cyan means the purest blue, so we altered the colors of media elements to blue, along with our advertising.Leading newspapers were printed in blue for the first time.

The highest audience web portals adopted blue as their major color alongside exclusive banners.The largest local airline had a custom in-flight magazine themed on the water issue and wrapped in water bottles for distribution.

In a park in São Paulo we built the liquid house, in which people could enter and understand the water footprint of each element of their daily lives.At, users could join the “Menos 1L” movement and share ideas on how to save water.Twitter was used to disseminate campaign information.


Over 1 million newspapers were printed in blue, impacting over 3,600,000 readers.On Twitter Brazil, the Cyan Movement was one of the 3 most commented subjects, with 589 posts related to AmBev, where 64% of posts were about the company with the theme Water.

One week after the event, the Cyan Movement was the subject of over 100 newspaper articles, 23 of which were in major Brazilian newspapers.

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