Cannes Lions

Bicycle Face

PROXIMITY, Barcelona / SKODA / 2024

Presentation Image
Demo Film
Supporting Images






In 2023, the most important cycling event in Spain had a women’s version for the first time: La Vuelta Femenina. It was an historical milestone. After all, La Vuelta is an iconic competition in Spain.

However, as it was a women’s sporting event, there would be barely any media coverage.

Škoda, an automotive brand that has always been connected to cycling, was the event’s official sponsor. And its goal was to attract media attention to the race to get more coverage, and also to strengthen its image as a brand connected to this sport.

The idea had to be relevant on its own, generate media interest, attract the general male and – especially – female public, and also appeal to cycling enthusiasts.


For the photography project, the brand chose two of the few women working in sports photojournalism in Spain, raising their visibility too.

During the seven days of the race, these photographers took on a photographic challenge: taking portrait shots of the cyclists in movement during the race to demonstrate all the faces of the competition: the expression of satisfaction upon reaching the finishing line, of tiredness, nerves, effort… A variety of expressions that ultimately represented the face of female empowerment on two wheels and would give new meaning to ‘Bicycle Face’.

The use of black and white was a creative decision designed to reinforce the dramatic quality of these expressions.

The resulting portraits were selected in real time and shared on social media stage by stage, as an alternative way to broadcast the race. They were used to create posters. And the entire project was made into an exhibition.

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