Cannes Lions


AFRICA, Sao Paulo / PROCTER & GAMBLE / 2013


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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In Brazil it's possible to harness your brand's content in the most diverse tv and radio shows and also online, through blogs, portals, YouTube videos, etc. The only restrictions are for tobacco and alcoholic drinks. The first is completely prohibited and the second only on adult shows after 10pm.


Hipoglos Bluetooth Alert is the first system that lets mothers know when it's time to change their babies and apply Hipoglos. We put together a Bluetooth app with an RFID reader, an adhesive RFID with a humidity sensor and a smartphone app.

The mother only needs to put the adhesive in the diaper, download the app and turn on Bluetooth to connect.

When the diaper is dirty or wet enough a message is sent to the phone.

The second step after approving the idea with the media group was to find the best points of contact to make the new medium arrive to mothers in the best way possible. The project was promoted on the internet and Bluetooth Alert kits were distributed for mothers in strategic locations.


In addition to getting mothers' attention, the idea made a huge splash on the web, generating more than 1,200,000 dollars in free media. Thousands of people shared the idea on social networks and Hipoglos Amendoas, a traditional part that is already part of every mother's life and has been for decades, immediately became an innovative and modern brand in public perception. The sales had a significant increase of 15%.

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