Cannes Lions
From backstage to backseat. All the sober BOB-drivers get a chance to win a backseat-gig from the popular singer Douwe Bob. He’s the namesake of the campaign and the finalist of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2016.
On Spotify, participants could compile a playlist for their backseat-gig. By sharing this playlist, which consists of their favorite hits of the last 15 years, they had a chance to win.
The winning BOBs got a personal backseat-gig where Douwe Bob was singing covers of their favorite artists.
On the 18th of January, Douwe Bob posted a video on his Facebook- Twitter and Instagram-account where he appealed to his fans. His video was shared as promoted video via Spotify, Instagram, Facebook and video banners. Free publicity in nationwide media did the rest.
On our microsite, participants could make a playlist with their favorite hits of the last 15 years. In a total of 9 backseat-gigs Douwe Bob played songs from the playlist.
All sessions were streamed live from the cars of the winners with a total of four cameras. The streaming video was visible on Facebook, banners and sponsored videowalls in the center of the biggest cities.
During the live-streams, viewers could answer questions which were directly answered by Douwe. Furthermore, viewers could play a quiz in which Douwe Bob posed questions about 15 years of BOB campaign. They could answer the questions live and win interesting prices.
The online campaign has reached a total of 8 million viewers (in Holland there are a total of 8 million car drivers).
The live-streams were viewed by 2,5 million people and reached an engagement ratio of 6% which is about 10 times as high as the target for this campaign (0,6%) and 20 times as high as the overall benchmark that the governement set for its campaigns (0,3%).
The campaign has reached all the national and regional media (TV, radio, newspapers).
The amount of followers on the BOB Facebook-site has doubled.
98% of the drivers is familiar with the campaign.
The amount of drunk drivers has been cut in half since the start of the BOB-campaign.
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