Cannes Lions

Book of Colour

FCB INFERNO, London / VALSPAR / 2018

Presentation Image






Trust Your Colours is an idea born from the very human need for self-expression and the qualities of Valspar’s product:

Colour: More colours than any other brand, 2.2 million to be precise.

Precision: Cutting edge technology and raw materials ensure consistency in colour, density and quality.

Durability: Best quality, most durable paint at every price point.

Individuality: Personalised service, tailored to each and every one of its customers.

We’ve all got our colours, not passing fads or trends, but our true colours, the things that run deep; like our principles, quirks and beliefs. Some of these things we’ve inherited, others are simply innate. There’s the politics we subscribe to, the teams we support, the scenes and music to which we relate. Our colours represent our identity; they reflect what’s in our head and our heart. Trust your colours. Nail them to the mast.


We wanted people to walk away with a deep emotional connection to the brand, and an even deeper understanding of what it means to ‘Trust Your Colours’. To do this, we created a brand book that was tactile, immersive and playful. Each spread is designed to bring Valspar's impressive proof points and credentials to life in unexpected ways.

We had people scrubbing heat sensitive ink to remove stains from the page, throwing red wine onto waterproof spreads, and even ripping out pages to dramatise the durability and quality of Valspar paint. From Foils to Holographic paper. Spot UV to die-cut designs. Every time you turn the page, you are presented with a rich textured experience. Clean and graphical. Confident and stimulating. Each page is designed to have its own personality, be unique, and to inspire people to trust their colours.


Trust Your Colours has been adopted as the brand’s endline.

The brand book has helped galvanise Valspar’s marketing team, business leads and agency partners around a shared belief, purpose and set of values.

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