Cannes Lions


BBDO, Tokyo / JBL / 2023

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






■Brand Challenge

Being an audio brand with a long-established history, JBL is strongly support by older men.

For the future growth of the brand, it was necessary to increase its brand engagement with the younger generation.

■Social Insight

In Japan, there is an exercise known to men and women of all ages called radio calisthenics, an exercise performed to guidance and music. Schools often have their students dance this at sports events, but its unmodified music and choreography from the 1950’s does not make it attractive to the young people.


JBL has mixed traditional radio calisthenics with break dancing to create a new dance, Breaking Radio Calisthenics, The movie featured Shigekix and other top break dancers, with the choreography and music from the traditional radio calisthenics combined with the cool and captivating style of break dancing. While keeping the original guidance of radio calisthenics such as, "jump and spread your legs, bring them back", Shigekix danced this move while doing a handstand, making the dance both cool and interesting at the same time.

In addition to the main movie content, there were short dance tutorials video on TikTok for different dance levels so that anyone could try. For those who are more experiences in dance, they could try a dance battle with Shigekix using the duet function on TikTok. schools events were also held.

Updating the outdated exercise into a captivating dance have turned JBL into an attractive brand.


There were similarities between JBL and radio calisthenics in terms of history but lack of engagement from young generation.

We decided to revitalize radio calisthenics with JBL speaker’s powerful sound in order to modernize JBL’s image at the same time

The key idea for this revitalization was the "mash-up.”

We mash-up radio calisthenics with modern break dancing then create new dance, Breaking Radio Calisthenics.

Firstly, high engagement was created amongst people involved in break dancing; famous dancers including Shigekix appeared in the movie, The music and choreography were created in a high quality with the dancers' favorite taste.

The contents were also designed to spread even to the general audiences who do not dance; it consisted of surprising and funny elements. Such elements led the video to be featured on television and going viral.

Online participatory event, and school workshops are also held.


Updating the outdated exercise into a captivating dance have turned JBL into an attractive brand to younger generation, and led to significant sales. It also became an opportunity for young people to enjoy radio calisthenics in a positive manner.

- MOVIE VIEWS: 3 Million (3times the benchmark)

The movie has reached over three million views, with some viewers posting their dance videos on TikTok.

-PR VALUE: 29 times the PR Cost

Numerous positive comments posted about the movie has led to it being featured on web media and Japanese television shows.

-INCREASE IN SALES: 197% (in campaign term compared to the previous year)

Not only did the campaign establish JBL as an attractive brand but has also made a solid contribution to its sales.

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