Cannes Lions

BroChed Trailer

ANOMALY, New York / PANERA / 2016

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Broccoli Cheddar Soup lovers frequently tweet about the soup. We harnessed that behavior to amplify the product release of our new, clean recipe. An epic movie trailer told the story of the soup’s creation. We encouraged fans of the soup to submit #soupreview’s critiquing or praising the new recipe. Each tweet was added to the end of the trailer, unlocking 6 seconds of new footage. The result was a never-ending trailer that grew as fans tweeted about the soup. Every #SoupReview was featured on our movie trailer, as if it were from a professional movie critic. So the trailer grew, becoming more entertaining and shareable as fans tweeted at it.


Our trailer had all the trappings of an epic action movie. Each #soupreview was added to the trailer in the visual style of a critical movie review. The microsite described the new clean recipe and hosted the trailer. We worked with Panera’s digital community managers and a programming partner to get the user generated #soupreview’s uploaded to the ever-extending trailer in relatively real-time. At the end of our 90-day run, the trailer had extended from 60 seconds to more than half an hour.


Panera saw tremendous levels of engagement with the Broccoli Cheddar Soup campaign, generating over 4 million video views and just under 30 million impressions. The interactive trailer was stretched to over 30 minutes thanks to the high engagement rates seen throughout the campaign. Success didn't stop at engagement with the content. We saw conversations ignite about both the soup and the brand, resulting in a 30% list in brand mentions and a 2X lift in mentions of the soup. Nearly 100% of these conversations were positive, clearly showing a serious love and adoration for the new, clean Broccoli Cheddar Soup.

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