Cannes Lions

Buchanan´s Game Changers

CARAT, Mexico City / DIAEGO / 2019

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Demo Film
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Buchanan´s is one of the most loved brands in Mexico, people appropriated the brand and used as part of the culture with one problem: The narco culture abducted the brand to a level in which “Buchonas” is now a colloquial term that exists to refer to the narco’s mistresses (google “las Buchonas blim”). Digital conversation of the brand reflects images related to the drug dealing lifestyle.

As a result, some people are not proud of being seen drinking our product so the objective was to translate Game Changers into a locally relevant example that related the brand to positive codes.

Within this panorama, a campaign associated with greatness, seemed too distant and difficult to be successfully translated into the local context.


Buchanan´s is one of the most loved brands in Mexico, people appropriated the brand and used as part of the culture with one problem: The narco culture abducted the brand to a level in which “Buchonas” is now a colloquial term that exists to refer to the narco’s mistresses (google “las Buchonas blim”). Digital conversation of the brand reflects images related to the drug dealing lifestyle.

The brand is associated to codes that are antagonistic to the brand’s global vision. Within this panorama, Game Changers campaign seemed too distant and difficult to be successfully translated into the local context.

Our solution was to recover Buchanan´s cultural relevance by hacking the Cultural Zeitgeist using the most iconic Oscar ceremony in Mexico’s history due to the movie “Roma” and the neighborhood that inspired the film and where the director “Alfonso Cuarón” was raise and where this national success was celebrated “Colonia Roma”


Buchanan’s was implementing the “Game Changers” advertising campaign at a worldwide scale. The campaign talks about individuals that generate change and ignite a “Ripple Effect” which positively affects a large group of people. We called that GREATNESS

We began with the hiperlocalization of the brand’s global message. The concept is complex. The first challenge was to make the concept locally relevant. The second challenge was to use the campaign to confront the atypical reputation of the brand within theMexican market.

Seizing that the "Roma phenomenon" viralized on TV, digital media and even in the srteets we created Greatness-oriented pieces and contextualized them in the celebration that surrounded the fim´s success.


Buchanan’s was implementing the “Game Changers” advertising campaign at a worldwide scale. The campaign talks about individuals that generate change and ignite a “Ripple Effect” which positively affects a large group of people. We called that GREATNESS

We began with the hiperlocalization of the brand’s global message. The concept is complex. The first challenge was to make the concept locally relevant. The second challenge was to use the campaign to confront the atypical reputation of the brand within theMexican market.

Seizing that the "Roma phenomenon" viralized on TV, digital media and even in the srteets we created Greatness-oriented pieces and contextualized them in the celebration that surrounded the fim´s success:

OOH: The Angel of Independence is the monument considered as an icon of celebration, where people gather, whenever something important happens that changes the rules of the game. Nine days before the event, the mayor Metro Bus stations in Avenida Paseo de la Reforma, on the same avenue as the Angel of Independence, where intervened by the brand with messages.

Proyections: Taking advantage of the neighborhood’s nightlife as of events related with the movie the brand projected messages that lauded the colony as a Game Changer.

TV Capsules: Cuarón special interview before the ceremony and other game changing Mexican characters where recognized during the transmission of the ceremony all sponsored by Buchanans.

Playground: A piece was elaborated, powered by Buchanan’s, in which different success cases of Game Changers were presented at the Roma neighborhood.

Pictoline: we created a piece that talked about the nominees that despite not having won the Oscar to Best Movie (such as Roma) would become cult movies.

Free press and programmatic: The morning after the Awards, contextual formats were generated to cover the articles related to the awards.


During the Oscars, more bottles of Buchanan’s were uncapped than any other Sunday.

The brand’s conversation increased +164% in mentions/ + 720% reach vs. the last 90 days and the conversation was maintained for four days.

We realized 16 million impacts that submerged the brand in a positive and iconic cultural events.

913k people were impacted from free press and 90k took our celebration message home.

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