Cannes Lions


VML, Kansas City / MINUTE MAID / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






Combining orange juice and espresso became a surprisingly delicious trend on TikTok. And a lot of the time, the orange juice used just happened to be Simply Orange.

How could we insert ourselves as a champion of community and simplicity?

Our objective was to drive community excitement and earned media for Simply Orange


Simply’s brand is all about simplicity; capitalizing on a trend that combined two popular morning routine beverages into one, while still keeping it fun and premium felt Wonderfully on-brand.

Since our LTO was inspired by TikToks community, our creative work was influencer and community-led. Relying on those who made the trend popular from the start to extend momentum for the beverage combination while launching Simply EspressOJ. We used this moment to celebrate those inspired by the trend itself and grow Simply’s community of fans by surprise and delighting those who expressed excitement for the launch as well as those who shared excitement for the trend itself. By showing up as an active participant, rather than trying to claim the moment for ourselves, Simply was able to authentically connect with the community through culture to drive excitement.


As one of the most recognizable brands in the grocery aisle, Simply Orange didn’t have an awareness problem, Simply had a relevancy problem that we continually look to combat with community-first innovation to drive excitement.

With the viral orange juice and espresso trend, we had the opportunity to take advantage of a cultural moment that Simply was at the center of organically as a result of our community of super fans. And as a core ingredient to the trending recipe, Simply had a key path to engage the moment.

Through the execution, we put the consumers and community members at the forefront of our initiatives - from influencers-led creative, community surprise & delights and sales offers — allowing consumers the benefit of engaging with a more playful side to the brand, while also receiving rewards for their adoption.


Upon early discovery of the trend, Simply designed and executed EspressOJ kits, featuring Simply Orange, 2 packets of espresso-popping boba, 2 bamboo straws and a recipe card. We then partnered with Walmart to provide exclusive offers for anyone purchasing Simply Orange to receive a free kit to try EspressOJ for themselves.

We further amplified the message quickly across social and influencer by empowering creators to share unboxing and tasting videos. We then posting engaging content across owned channels to hype the launch and gift EspressOJ kits to super-fans sharing their excitement in the comment section. Simultaneously, we tipped off media outlets to cover the launch and create buzz around the kits.


The launch of EspressOJ drove 15M+ total impressions across earned and influencer with no paid media support in one week.

More than the earned media, EspressOJ generated tons of excitement amongst our community, with our launch video generating a 466% greater impression rate than our average. We also surprised and delighted more than 50 super-fans with EspressOJ kits, resulting in nearly 45% of them creating additional content and driving more conversation around the kits after delivery.

Our goal was simple: to drive community excitement and earned media of Simply Orange. And with Simply owning nearly 60% share of voice for the entire month against competitors, we’re confident we achieved that.

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