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"CAN YOUR HEAR ME?" was the first step to start incorporating new tools and technologies to expand the reach of the "VOICE OF THE OCEANS" expedition and engaging younger audiences by creating a platform that vividly brings the ocean's plight to the forefront.

The primary goal of this initiative was to develop an immersive virtual reality experience using a VR Headset. This enabled users to virtually explore the ocean, witnessing with their own eyes the effects of pollution. Throughout their journey, participants could interact with marine life and take actions to clean up the virtual environment. As they navigated through the virtual world, they also encountered relevant content that raises awareness about the significant impact of pollution on the ocean, as well as real-life efforts being made to address it.

Finally, the ability to collect data on user engagement levels throughout the experience was also one of the brand's objectives.



Inspired by the name of the expedition "Voice of the Oceans", we created "CAN YOU HEAR ME?": a first-person VR immersive journey through a polluted ocean that cries out for help.

Amidst the filth, users could find the sea animals and listen to them speaking about the terrible impact that plastic pollution has on their lives below water.

But more than just interacting with the marine life, they could also read messages encouraging a change on consumption habits and the relationship with single-use plastic.

So, participants were not merely passive recipients of information. They were immersed in a vivid, interactive environment that brings the plight of the world's oceans directly to their senses.

And at the end of the experience, they had the chance to finally free the animals from the plastic.


Since 2022, the expedition has had a huge coverage of GLOBO, Brazil's most popular TV network.

First, an eight-part series was presented on CANAL OFF, a cable channel focused on featuring adventure sports such as surfing - highlighting initiatives that defend the oceans and the life below water.

Then, they created a customized content hub for the brand on ‘FANTÁSTICO’, the most popular weekly show on open TV. But it was still necessary to engage the younger generation that will take care of our planet in the future - but don't watch TV.

So, we created this immersive experience to not only educate but also engage youngsters in ocean conservation by fostering a deep emotional connection with them - driving home the urgency of the conservation message and inspiring participants to take real-world action now.

A holistic approach to both generate awareness and allow people to deep-dive on plastic-pollution. Literally.


The whole execution - from designing the characters and scenarios up to programming all the interactions - took us around 6 weeks to be fully concluded using the PicoVR, Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest Pro.

But since these new gadgets are not accessible to the mainstream audience yet, first we placed booths close to Natura’s stores at shopping centers with VR Headsets available for children and young adults passing by.

Second, we took advantage of the fact that Natura KAIAK started sponsoring the WSL (World Surf League) and sent these booths to the beaches in Brazil where the competitions were taking place - engaging surfers that are concerned about the future of the Oceans.

Finally, on December 2023, we uploaded the experience on the Meta AppStore - in Portuguese and English - to make it available for everyone in the World to experience it.


This initiative inspires ocean conservation, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, by boosting awareness and driving proactive behaviors against single-use plastic to preserve life below water.

It not only escalated Natura's brand awareness but also leveraged corporate engagement to amplify its business impact and reinforce the link between sustainability and sales.

It was first showcased at booths on high-traffic venues such as Shopping Malls, Universities and significant events like the surf tournaments of the World Surf League (WSL), attracting the attention of thousands of young people, our mais target.

And it also attracted the attention of the largest Brazilian TV Network (Rede Globo) that exposed it spontaneously on prime time at JORNAL NACIONAL, the most popular late news show in the country.

Finally, we made it available on the Meta Store, ensuring that individuals from diverse geographies can also have this transformative experience and broadening its appeal and impact globally.

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