Cannes Lions


MUTABOR DESIGN, Hamburg / AUDI / 2011

Presentation Image






The blank sheet of paper as a space for creative ideas was a huge, omnipresent design element, and consequently the overarching visual element of the world premiere of the Audi A7 Sportback, the new design icon from Audi. With its bright, light-toned building, the 'Pinakothek der Moderne' in Munich provided the right setting for this international press event with around 500 representatives from the media. At the same time, the world premiere was also the prelude to the subsequent marketing campaign for the market launch of the new Audi A7 Sportback, which built seamlessly upon this world premiere event with the 'Nothing is more inspiring than a blank sheet of paper' campaign idea.


At the beginning, the vehicle is covered by enormous sketch sheets.Prior to the actual unveiling, the designers use tape to trace the vehicle’s distinctive lines on the super-sized sketch sheets and bring the creative process to life. This again highlights the relevance of the design process for the audience.When the moment of unveiling arrives, the covering sheets with their design studies float upwards to afford a clear view of the vehicle.A media presentation projected onto an LED screen installed around the rotunda picks up the theme of the floating stack of papers. The sketches and stations of the A7 Sportback fly past, ending with a live image of the vehicle in the Pinakothek der Moderne. The moment is enhanced by music composed specifically for the purpose.Exhibits in a lounge area that opens after the unveiling convey detailed information about the Audi A7 to the trade journalists.


The international press is aware of the subject matter well in advance, having been informed by a classical advertising campaign (which started in October 2010). This once more brings the vehicle to the attention of potential buyers.A cooperation between the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich and Audi has been inspired through the work on this event. The Audi design expertise is thus sustainably impressed on people’s consciousness.Result: altogether, nationally and internationally, over 600 (online) articles were published about the event. The presentation method puts the focus on the design theme, in accordance with the original briefing.'Triumphal march of the designers''An icon of the future in the museum'‘'Aesthetic and Athletic – The Audi A7 Sportback'

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