Cannes Lions



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Case Film






When Turkey turned into the dark market, we started to think about how we could project our brand’s messages and stories for the customers and concerns the market conditions by forcing us to find more innovative and catchy methods, different from all the traditional marketing activities we have implemented until today since it was forbidden to use many media channels such as TV, radio, newspaper and Internet. We decided to go to our customers personally, face to face and develop a project like this. The brief was to find innovative methods, different to traditional marketing activities to reach sales points and overcome the challenge of being able to tell them about the brands story as well as teaching them about the products.


Informed by extensive research on VR adoption and B2B preferences, the creative idea focused on creating an immersive VR experience tailored to B2B interests. The insights revealed a growing interest in VR among businesses, presenting an opportunity to differentiate the client and strengthen its brand presence.


The target audience of the project were our sales points and partners. We needed a new channel to reach sales points and overcome the challenge of being able to tell them about the brands story as well as teaching them about the products. So going to to them directly was the best idea.

In the last 3 months, we offered this experience to 4,590 people at 3,825 sales points with personalized presentations. We plan to visit over 30,000 sales points and contact over 35,000 people in the next 3 years.


The execution involved collaborating with experienced VR developers to create a bespoke virtual environment tailored to the script. This environment featured immersive landscapes and interactive elements designed to showcase the brand's identity and products in a compelling way. The VR experience was strategically structured maximum exposure and engagement with clients target audience of B2B.

The VR experience was meticulously crafted to align with the brand identity and values, incorporating elements such as the brand’s logo, color palette, and messaging throughout the virtual environment. This ensured that the experience remained authentic to the brand while offering a novel and engaging experience for users.

Users engaged with the brand through various touch points within the VR experience, including interactive product showcases, virtual events, and branded messaging. These touch points were designed to immerse users in the brand story and foster meaningful connections within the virtual space.

The VR environment featured high-quality visuals, realistic textures, and immersive sound design to enhance the user experience. Design choices were made to evoke the feeling of being in a physical brewery, creating a sense of familiarity and authenticity for users.

The development process involved close collaboration between the brand's marketing team and VR developers, with regular feedback loops and iterations to ensure that the final product met the brand’s objectives and standards. Agile development methodologies were employed to meet tight deadlines and deliver a polished VR experience on schedule.


The VR promotion significantly increased the average time spent engaging and forming a relationship with the brand's sales representatives and target audience. The campaign generated a high number of interactions, evidenced by increased and positive comments and feedback from B2B stakeholders. The sales teams experienced a surge in traffic and engagement, with users actively sharing and discussing their VR experiences.

The immersive VR experience fostered a sense of loyalty and affinity among B2B partners and stakeholders, who appreciated the innovative approach to engagement and its commitment to delivering unique and memorable experiences.

The Vr experience positively impacted the clients brand perception within the B2B market positioning the company as a forward thinking industry leader that embraces new techs to connect with its audience in meaningful ways.

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