Cannes Lions




2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Everlast in Peru is a brand directed towards women, which seeks to empower them and convey a fighting spirit.

Thousands of women are sexually harassed on a daily basis; unfortunately men that do the catcalling consider it a minor offense. There were several activist groups that proposed laws that would protect women by sanctioning catcallers. However, every time these law drafts were presented to congress they would inevitably be archived and forgotten.

We were informed that a new law that sanctioned catcalling was going to be presented to congress, so we set ourselves the objective of creating a message powerful enough to unify Peruvians and convince them of being in favor of this law.

To achieve this, we decided to identify frequent catcallers, expose and ridicule them in front of their mothers. We disguised the mothers and made them walk in front of their sons. The catcallers fell for it and ended up harassing their own mothers.

We documented these cases, the catcalling as well as the mothers responses, and we uploaded it to YouTube two days before ¨International Day for the elimination of violence against Women¨. It wasn’t long before local media began covering the video and soon after it started spreading worldwide becoming the most viral video of the country. The video convinced people to take action in the matter, which resulted in the approval of the law two months later.


The first step was identifying frequent catcallers. After that, we contacted the mothers of these harassers and explained the gravity of the matter. After they agreed to help us, we completely changed their looks with makeup and wigs. Finally, with their help, we surprised their sons and made the catcallers understand the gravity of their actions.

The action took place over several neighborhoods in Lima in the month of October 2014. The action lasted two days but the video became viral within national and international media for 1 month. The previous processes were executed as planned.


The viralization of the video generated much conversation about the subject, making thousands of people signed in favor of the law. This generated a lot of social pressure giving as a final result, the approval of the law. Some months after, the mentioned law was approved with 76 of 78 votes in favor and the remaining two abstained. We achieved to change the problem perception in Peruvians and Everlast positioned even more as a brand focused on transmitting the fighting spirit of women. The video became the most watched viral advertising in the country and went all around the world through thousands of media from different countries.

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