Cannes Lions

Cautionary Tales


Supporting Content
Supporting Content






The IONIQ 6 is one of the almost forty new EVs launched in 2023. Hyundai needed to establish its 2023 IONIQ 6 as the EV leader and become Hispanics’ best choice.

However, while Hispanics are increasingly adopting Electric Vehicles, they are lagging, and many remain hesitant, driven mostly by misunderstanding and unfounded/outdated fears about the vehicles.

Hispanics are intrigued by EVs but are intimidated by the perceived lifestyle alteration. With a decision as major as purchasing a car, they want to be assured that their decision is correct and they won’t get stuck with a vehicle that is not a good lifestyle match.

We needed to debunk these perceptions and intimidations by personalizing the benefits to them, in turn showing that electrification is a perfect match for their lifestyle and their entire family.


The film confronts the stories all Hispanics have heard from their elders at some point in their lives by depicting people challenging those so-called truths to debunk the myths behind them—wishing birthday wishes out loud won't make them become a reality, going out with wet hair makes you get sick, reading at night will hurt your vision—.

Then, it compares those myths with the myths about electric vehicles—the low-range myth, the long-time-to-charge myth, or the myth about EVs being unexciting and boring—and debunks them with facts about range, charge time, and warranty.


“Cautionary Tales” really resonated with Hispanic audiences. The TV spot received results above industry norms, debuting with a composite 688 Ace Score (32 points above the norm of 652.)

Following the campaign launch in May 2023, the Hyundai IONIQ 6 became the top sales model in the Mainstream EV Car category in which it competes. Within the first month after launching, we saw a 48% increase in sales volume month over month and then an additional 77% increase the following month. Demonstrating the ongoing success of the campaign and Hispanics’ new belief in EVs, the second half of 2023 saw a 234% increase from the first half in IONIQ 6 sales volume.

The campaign paves the way for approaching multicultural demographics with the same level of empathy and strategic depth, highlighting the value of integrating cultural insights into the fabric of marketing strategies to resonate with America's diverse tapestry.

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