Cannes Lions


DAVID&GOLIATH, Los Angeles / TEQUILA / 2009

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Cazadores is one of the most popular tequilas in Mexico. But in the United States, it was not widely known. The objective of this campaign was to launch Cazadores in the US. With very little money, we needed to create buzz around the launch. And convince the 21-34 year-old party crowd that Cazadores is the authentic tequila that they have been missing.The solution was to create an unexpected viral video. At first it feels like a new segment that deals with the topical issue of “Border Crossing.” However, as it unfolds, viewers discover it’s not about Mexicans sneaking into America for a better life. Rather it’s about American hipsters sneaking into Mexico for a better tequila. It’s played completely straight, complete with surveillance footage and interviews with Federalis.

This viral video was initially launched on YouTube. It quickly spread to other sites.

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