Cannes Lions


SALEM, Sao Paulo / CLARO / 2008

Presentation Image






Claro is one of the largest cellular phone operators in Brazil. It is part of the worldwide group Telmex. By means of a large database, Claro can identify which clients are active, which have stopped using their services for a while and returned, and which have not used their services for a long period. The challenge of this campaign was to reactivate the mobile use of clients with high purchasing power who for any reason had not used the mobile in over a year.


A selection was made from the best clients, who had not used their mobile for one year or more. As we knew that this client profile is avidly sought after by other operators, we decided to design a high-impact campaign with potent promotion. We invited clients to “resuscitate” their Claro mobile phone that had been “dead” for over one year. The piece was composed of a box resembling a tombstone. Inside, there was a buried coffin containing a mobile with his previous number. In order to revive it, the client was invited to reuse his phone with a 3-month bonus.


20% of the clients who received the direct mail reactivated their cellular phones. Of these, 50% actually continued using it, totalling sales of about US$ 40,000 per year. The total investment of the campaign was US$10,000. Therefore, for every dollar invested, the return was US$3 i.e. 300% ROI.

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