Cannes Lions



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After having moved audiences everywhere with the 3-minute ad « L’amour l’amour » in 2017, Intermarché successfully re-awakened cherished childhood memories for the Christmas season with “J’ai tant rêvé” a year later, naturally creating high expectations for the next ads.

This unique advertising saga, which reflected the brand’s repositioning to focus on eating better, established Intermarché as a leader in growth in France ahead of all its competitors.

So, how to surprise people for the third time using the same ingredients : telling a big story that speaks to everyone, to the prism of the insight “we all have a reason to eat better” and and the brand's mission : help people to eat a bit better everyday ? Keep capitalizing on “love” as the previous film, this time focus on something no one in the world could avoid ; the path of recovery after losing someone we deeply love.


The 3-minute film takes us into the daily life of a man who has lost his wife. When he chances upon an old recipe book, he decides to make a new dish with her secret recipe. That’s the start of a long quest for taste that will revive that will revive the memories of his one true love, like Proust’s infamous madeleine. The story is accompanied by Benjamin Biolay, who revisits Cole Porter's famous American standard "C'est magnifique".


After twenty years of price war between the different distributors, Intermarché decided to pre-empt the territory of "better eating". The brand decided to stop talking about itself and focus on the customer, without ever teaching any lesson when it comes to “eat better”. The execution of this strategy results in a break with the usual codes of mass consumption, to tell great stories that speak to anyone with a "better eating" prism, a cinematographic approach and an emotional tone of voice.


The 3-minute film premiered on TV on the major French chanel on the Sunday night at the audience peak (5 millions), the very last seconds just before the movie. At the same time, it has been displayed en Social Media (Facebook and Youtube) to take advantage on the double screen effect.

On TV, the film as broadcasted more than 1800 times in 3 weeks, in 3 different formats : 3 minutes / 90 and 70 seconds.

In the cinemas, the film was broadcasted in more than 900 rooms, also for 3 weeks.


In less than 24h, more than 4 million people were touched by the film on Facebook, up top 8 million within a week. It has been watched more than 3 million times on Facebook the first week. It generated extremely positive spontaneous conversations on Twitter even though it wasn't released on that platform. Intermarché received a lot of love private messages, thanking the brand for the love spreading.

Even the public press has taken over the topic in France (in medias such as Le Monde, GQ Magazine, Elle, Marie-Claire, BFM TV) and the film went viral beyond french borders.

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