Cannes Lions

Chase The Ball


Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Situation: Turkish Airlines secured UEFA Champions League sponsorship for 2022/2023, a

significant brand visibility opportunity.

Brief: Tasked with maximizing the partnership, Turkish Airlines aimed to seamlessly blend

football and travel passions, highlighting itself as a global connecting force.


1. Connectivity and Global Reach: Showcase Turkish Airlines globally, emphasizing

its extensive network and uniting diverse people.

2. Celebrating Football and Travel: Capture the essence of the UEFA Champions

League by embarking on a captivating journey with iconic football legends. This

served to reinforce the idea that Turkish Airlines goes beyond transportation.

3. Promoting Istanbul: Highlight Istanbul as an attractive destination during the UEFA

Champions League final.

4. Engagement and Conversion: Execute a four-month promotional campaign with

unique monthly codes to engage the audience. Prompt viewers to consider Turkish

Airlines for their travel needs.


In a groundbreaking film collaboration, Turkish Airlines and Beautiful Destinations merge

football fervor and global travel against the UEFA Champions League 2022/2023 season.

The heart of the project unfolds in a captivating journey featuring iconic football

legends—Ronaldinho, Steven Gerrard, Cafu, and freestyler Adonias Fonseca.

The film chronicles their extraordinary adventure, navigating from the vibrant streets of

Istanbul to the historic landmarks of Milan, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Munich, Manchester,

and Naples.

Seamlessly weaving through these cities, the film captures the essence of

football's greatest tournament. Viewers witness the cultural richness, the passion of football,

and the connecting power of Turkish Airlines, emphasizing the brand's global reach and its

role in uniting people through shared experiences.


Our strategy hinged on a deep understanding of our global football-loving audience.

Recognizing the universal appeal of the UEFA Champions League, Turkish Airlines was

strategically positioned to resonate with enthusiasts worldwide.

Audience Insights: Research revealed a shared passion for football transcending boundaries.

Featuring iconic football legends and Brazilian freestyler Adonias Fonseca, our campaign

authentically connected with fans, fostering a personal link.

Community Building: A proactive approach leveraged social media for engaging storytelling.

Tailored content represented diverse cultures, fostering excitement and a sense of belonging.

Regular interactions and behind-the-scenes content cultivated a global community around

shared love for football and travel.

This strategy not only strengthened existing connections but also expanded Turkish Airlines'

reach, establishing a dynamic presence at the intersection of sports, travel, and culture.


The edit was crafted as a compelling narrative, immersing viewers in a captivating journey.

Beginning with football legends' arrival and travels to Istanbul, it seamlessly followed

Brazilian freestyler Adonias's European exploration. The narrative intricately wove through

diverse landmarks in each city, ensuring Istanbul remained the central focus. The storytelling

aimed to sustain viewer interest, building anticipation toward the UEFA Champions League

final 2022/2023 held in Istanbul.

Crucially, the edit skillfully transitioned between locations, maintaining a cohesive and

engaging flow. It incorporated cultural elements in each city, even involving locals for

authenticity. The strategic use of cultural nuances and smart transitions aimed to keep the

audience hooked, ensuring a dynamic and resonant viewing experience. This meticulous

approach not only highlighted the journey but also emphasized Istanbul as the vibrant nexus,

solidifying Turkish Airlines' connection to both football and global exploration.


The Turkish Airlines and Beautiful Destinations collaboration, executed through a 360-

degree global activation, delivered remarkable results:

Reach: Achieving 150,700,000 views across Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok ensured a

broad global reach.

Engagement: Over 365,000 engagements reflected a highly enthusiastic audience response.

Impact: Generating USD 80,000 in ticket sales demonstrated tangible business outcomes for

Turkish Airlines.

Quality of Experience: A 1-minute Hero Video on Instagram and a 3+ minute Hero Video on

YouTube provided an immersive viewing experience.

Brand Perception and Change in Behavior: The campaign positively influenced brand

perception and spurred a change in behavior, evident in both engagement and ticket sales.

Achievement Against Objectives: Exceeding objectives, the collaboration garnered USD

3,000,000 in Earned Media Value, showcasing the massive reach and influence of this

strategic partnership. The campaign effectively highlighted Turkish Airlines as a global

connecting force, meeting its initial objectives of seamlessly blending football passion with


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