Cannes Lions

Chevron Barrow Island AR Experience

FIRSTBORN, New york / CHEVRON / 2019

Presentation Image
Demo Film






The World Gas Conference is the only annual event where preeminent energy corporations convene with B2B customers and highly influential international policymakers.

Our brief was to create an experience that would elevate Chevron’s event footprint and generate quality engagement with high-value attendees, for a budget of $600,000.

We created a table-top AR experience, anchored to the Chevron booth, to drive foot traffic and ensure users wouldn’t stray too far from Chevron's ambassadors while enjoying the experience.

The application’s UI has three interactive chapters, enabling users to choose their own journey through 13 stunning AR environments. As they explored, 27 educational hotpots provided information about Chevron’s operations and the delicate ecosphere they protect.

Designed for a multilingual audience, we streamlined text, opting for visual cues to guide the user through the experience. Every detail was considered, down to the lifesize renders of the animals and the information aboard the airplane.


Tasked with positioning Chevron as industry-leaders in environmental sustainability and innovation, we created an immersive augmented reality experience which transports users to Barrow Island—a class A nature reserve and home to one of Chevron’s largest liquid natural gas facilities. Chevron’s strict quarantine management system protects the indigenous species on the island, making this a destination few can visit—until now.

“Destination Barrow Island” educates users about Chevron’s award-winning quarantine system, showcases their unparalleled success on the island, and takes users face-to-face the indigenous animals.

We debuted the experience at the World Gas Conference, the largest annual conference in the Oil & Gas industry, where it would have maximum impact on 12,000 attendees including B2B customers, government decision-makers, industry leaders and environmentalist NGOs.

To generate a further return on investment, we partnered with the Washington Post to scale the experience, generating 90M+ media impressions with an innovative table-top branded AR content execution.


“Destination Barrow Island” is a custom-built AR-enabled mobile and tablet application designed to elevate Chevron’s brand. The mobility of the experience lets Chevron take it beyond event spaces and share it with everyone from B2B customers to government decision-makers—further educating them on Chevron’s efforts in environmental sustainability.

We debuted the experience at the 2018 World Gas Conference, where Chevron’s CEO Mike Wirth was the keynote speaker on the theme of “Fueling the Future.” The experience included three chapters of content—enabling the user to choose their own path through 13 interactive and dynamic AR dioramas.

B2B customers and government decision-makers learned how the Liquid Natural Gas harvested at Chevron’s Barrow Island facility powers much of the APAC region and how Chevron protects the island’s delicate biosphere from pollutants and invasive species with their award-winning Quarantine Management System (QMS). The experience also enabled users to get closer than ever before to some of the unique, indigenous species that Chevron protects from outside contaminates—the Flatback Turtle, the Euro, and the Perentie Lizard.

We designed and rendered all of the 3D models within the “Destination Barrow Island” experience, and designed the UI and UX for the custom application that housed the experience. To create as lifelike an experience as possible, every detail down to the information being read by passengers on the plane was considered. The animals were designed to be lifesize and were textured and animated in real-time through Unity.


Our brief was to elevate the Chevron event footprint, creating quality engagement with the brand at the World Gas Conference and beyond. By delivering a compelling experience that transports the user to Barrow Island, a destination that very few have ever seen, we stopped event attendees in their tracks. Users spent on average 1m30s exploring “Destination Barrow Island”, and incredibly, every single user completed the full experience, scrolling through all 13 AR-enabled scenes.

By scaling the experience as a piece of branded/native AR content, with a Washington Post partnership, we were able to generate an additional 90M press impressions, reaching decision makers on the Hill, and positioning Chevron as innovators in technology, and leaders in environmental sustainability.

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