Cannes Lions


MINDSHARE, Bogota / ADAMS / 2002

Presentation Image






The brand was off air for four months after the last promotional campaign which put the brand in a difficult position whereby they lost participation and the brand was perceived as too old.The object was to obtain new information about Chiclets Adams with a new and modern campaign that would increase the reminder of the brand, rejuvenate the brand image and approximate it with the consumer preparing them for the package change in 2002. The media solution was to advise which were the main ideas to make this execution plan work.The brand indicators were presenting an important drop. The brand advertising awareness fell 19 points, passing from 65 points to 46. The main support passed from Chiclets to Chiclets Ice , thinking that the last brand would help to improve Adams image, but this did not happen and sales fell in 37% comparing them with 1999.Adams developed a research of brand problems and redirected marketing and communication strategies, discovering that Chiclets Adams is not the first opportunity of purchase given factors such as the image and personality of the brand. The brand is perceived as classic and traditional, they are various options, given consumers find other brands, more young, current, innovative, daring and its price.However, it was discovered that the brand is very sensitive to advertising, which affects directly in sales, the target is a high consumer of media, so we had to show in a quick and different way our new campaign. The strategy was focused to support the traditional sponsor, finding new opportunities through the media to show the subject and try to find the new objective group. The media used were of massive character, trying to find the language used in each channel or radio station was of their own.Favorite activities of the objective group are to watch television to have fun, listen to music, dance, meet with friends, they are daring and are aware of the fashion. Therefore, the activities carried out are close to the target given the affinity of the media relation of the brand with their activities, fashion, role models, etc. The results surpassed the expectations, the advertising awareness that passed from 46 to 60 points, the sales fall was stopped and the image indicators were positive towards the brand. MindShare had the responsibility to explore new territories in the usage of media creativity to support the “trapped” Tv/Radio normal campaign. For this purpose we met TV and radio station presenters, DJ´s of the different programmes and radio stations in order to design creative complementary activities . In this way we began the idea with each channel how to adapt their language to the campaign , creating and adapting sections and contest.We planned meetings with the program presenters to agree the possibility of involving the brand in their program scripts and also to create specific programs for the campaign. Help was provided by the channels sketch department, commercial department and presenters were fundamental for the good execution of the idea and the spontaneous understanding was the success of the project. What is special in this process was the activity carried out by the media team finding opportunities to involve well known persons by interviewing them and adapting the sketches to associate the brand and a low price for the client.The creation of non-existing spaces in Colombia as radio reality contest “Trapped”, where we handcuffed a couple that did not know each other for 48 hours.The involvement and interaction of ordinary people in special moments such as the celebration of the classification of the Colombian National Soccer team to the Americas cup finals , taking advantage of the target situation and that Chiclets Adams may make part in their emotions and tastes , trapping the people with the brand.Media creativity ideas were not recommended by a creativity agency, they were suggested , planned, created and implemented by the MindShare Team.


MindShare had the responsibility to explore new territories in the usage of media creativity to support the “trapped” Tv/Radio normal campaign. For this purpose we met TV and radio station presenters, DJ´s of the different programmes and radio stations in order to design creative complementary activities . In this way we began the idea with each channel how to adapt their language to the campaign , creating and adapting sections and contest.We planned meetings with the program presenters to agree the possibility of involving the brand in their program scripts and also to create specific programs for the campaign. Help was provided by the channels sketch department, commercial department and presenters were fundamental for the good execution of the idea and the spontaneous understanding was the success of the project.

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