Cannes Lions



Case Film






There are three main drivers around Branded Entertainment in Colombia:

1.In or country, Branded content is still very virgin. Every brand that has tried to create or influence any content around an existing TV show, looks fake and not credible. There is always the feeling that whatever is done, it still looks more a commercial approach than a creative and relevant one. That is because almost all the times, the relationship between client+Media agency+media is based on transactional interests more than creative ones.

2. The most often process when a channel wants to build an alliance with a brand, is over an existing content, which becomes the main reason why all of these approaches look fake. Most of the times the channel team has already decided a content and then look for sponsors. Having the client and the channel creative team deciding which is the best content to have and client paying half of the total cost of the production, has never been done.

3. Beer has restrictions to have any traditional TV advertising presence in prime time which pushes the brands to look for new opportunities to promote the Brand values more than just the product itself.


Beauty pageants, Miss Colombia and everything around beauty is culturally celebrated by Colombians. Beauty is a strong conversation driver but there hasn't been any strong marketing action around beauty, that has given people the power to interact and participate. Participation, respect for women and cultural relevance made Colombians engage with the content. At the beginning the audience was criticizing the girls, criticizing the show and criticizing the brand. It was haters Vs. lovers. But as each episode passed, and as people voted, the engagement became stronger. All the negative comments and buzz gave power and strengthen the engagement later


For the first time ever in Colombia

1. A Brand was Coproducing. NOT just doing regular product placement.

2. There was a content initiative in PRIMETIME.

3. Alcohol restrictions in TV became an opportunity of credibility.

4. The image and respect of 4 girls was changed in just 3 months with more than 7.5 million votes. The most participative and interactive marketing action in Colombian history.

5. Colombia´s Next Top Model became the #1 show achieving 11.7 rating, 20% more than its main competitor.

6. The four girls have been invited to the 3 main cultural events in 2013.

- Barranquilla´s carnival where 1.5 million assistants where moved by Chicas Aguila 2013 fever.

- At Colombian Telethon, Chicas Aguila where invited to participate and ask Colombians to donate.

- Chicas Aguila were the center of attention at 2014 world cup qualifying matches.

At those three main events it was demonstrated that the image and aspirational values of these four girls where turned upside-down transforming them in real brand icons again.

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