Cannes Lions


GARBERGS, Stockholm / FORTUM / 2014

Presentation Image
Case Film
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The key objectives were to increase the liking of Fortum in general, and specifically to point out the good price value of electricity, as well as telling about Fortum’s social responsibility. The company does not only supply electricity and district heating to the citizens of Stockholm, but also works as a sponsor of social projects that have a natural connection to their main activity, such as being the main sponsor of the city’s official Christmas lights.


We needed to create something that would stand out from all the typical Christmas light installations that clutters a city in December. Instead of finding grandiose buildings, beautiful statues or majestic views, we focused on plain everyday objects like trash-cans, birdhouses, old bikes, electric cabinets and such. To show how much difference a little lighting will make, we focused on the things that people normally would just walk right by without taking notice.


We wanted to spread some joy and to see if the public would like it and share it. The outcome exceeded expectations. On Instagram more than 500 pictures of the installations were uploaded, reaching thousands of followers (that’s only counting those labelled with the official hashtag #fortumjul, actual number unknown.) Facebook posts sharing the campaign received more than 4000 shares, and the campaign doubled Fortum’s number of followers on Facebook in only two weeks.

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