
Cinema Canvas: coming soon to a city near you

MORTIERBRIGADE, Brussels / VRT / 2017

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Canvas is Belgium’s TV channel for all things culture. In the summer of 2017 they launched ‘Cinema Canvas’: a series of 24 outdoor cult film screenings in 8 Belgian cities. At the same time, the films were also shown on Canvas TV.

Brief: Introduce Cinema Canvas to Belgium and attract people to the events in their cities.

Objectives: Sell out all 24 events, increase audience ratings for Canvas during the showing of the films.


Canvas is Belgium’s tv-channel for all things culture.

Last summer they launched ‘Cinema Canvas’

An event that showed 24 cult films in 8 Belgian cities.

To announce this, we literally brought the films to those cities in a series of different outdoor actions and teasers.

A raft drifted through the city of Kortrijk to announce Jaws.

We opened ‘Stanley’s Pattisserie’ A chocolate store featuring A Clockwork Orange’s Dickbutt and other objects, all made in the finest Belgian Chocolate.

Dangerous Liaisons came to Antwerp in a carriage, causing traffic jams and quite some fuzz on social media.

The diver from Magnolia somehow ended up in the main park in Genk.

And we even got the mayor of Kortrijk to participate for Fight Club, making him look like he had been in a fight while he gave a completely unrelated interview on parking issues.


Our campaign started off with a raft and two stuntmen looking like the main characters of Jaws drifting through the city of Kortrijk. Next, for Fight Club we hacked the national news by making the mayor of Kortrijk look like he had been in a fight before he had to give an unrelated interview. Dangerous Liaisons came to Antwerp in a carriage, displaying a pretty steaming scene. We filmed this like it was found footage and seeded it, resulting in almost a million views in 2 days. Also in Antwerp, we opened a pop-up store with a 42 kg white chocolate penis and other references to A Clockwork Orange. And somehow the diver of Magnolia ended up in a tree in Genk. We claimed every stunt the day after, with a national TV commercial in prime-time.

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