Cannes Lions


CRAVEROLANIS, Buenos Aires / CLARIN / 2008

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Jointly with Clarín, we created an Special Supplement: “Argentina Town to Town”, a work of an unprecedented approach inviting to travel around Argentina as never before.

This Special Supplement, should not be a statistics report, nor a tourist guide book nor an encyclopedia. We intended to discover our country’s roots, tracking down landmarks and customs of hundreds of towns lost in a vast territory.Therefore, “Argentina Town to Town” required the creation of a 100 person team who travelled for 2 years all over the country surveying 4,655 towns. Thus, we discovered 1,500 towns which had never been surveyed, not even by Official Censuses. 200 official bodies took part in “Argentina Town to Town” but the greatest contribution was made by the neighbours of each town.

The history, schools, clubs and libraries, the buildings and monuments, the parties, characters, customs and legends of each town should be included in this ambitious work.


Never before had a promotion reached a country in this way. The result was an impressive work which set a precedent: there had been no other work like “Town to Town” before.50 radios voluntarily joined this action, over 3,600 unpublished stories were posted on the blog and 84,464 comments were made in just 66 days. One of the stories served as inspiration for a Telenoche special report, and the day when “Argentina Town to Town” reached San Cristóbal was declared a holiday in that town.

An average of 62,000 copies were sold in each delivery, totalling sales of nearly 1.3 million volumes. This action resulted in an unprecedented commercial success exceeding even the most optimistic forecasts.

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