Cannes Lions


CIRCUS, Lima / CLARO / 2015

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CLARO was going to launch Claro Video...

a platform that allows it´s users to watch movies on their cell phones.

Sales representatives from Claro were going to call it's 11.4 million users and offer them the service.

We had an idea.

Instead of having Bryan Pasos call you

we were going to have BRYAN MILLS (Liam Neeson from Taken) make the call.

And instead of being reached by Tony Cruz...

we are going to have TONY MONTANA make the sales pitch instead!

All Claro clients received real phone calls made with famous movie dialogues.

The best phone calls were used to make radio spots.


The creative execution was totally relevant to the product because Claro Video is a platform that lives in your phone and the campaign lives in the phone too, and the response that we needed also live in the phone, so we could reach our goal almost immediately.

The campaign run in just a week because we needed to surprise our people, and it worked perfectly.


The results in reference to the response of the target audience were incredibly.

11% of our clients hung up their phones.

The other 89% enjoyed the calls and had a cool surprise.

From that 89% of people, the 39% subscribed to Claro Video after they received the phone call.

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2017, CLARO

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