Dubai Lynx

Clean & Clear #SeeTheRealMe - Teen girls co-write a pop anthem

J3 MENA, Dubai / JOHNSON & JOHNSON / 2017

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Teen girls in the Middle East are not yet interested in face care, still relying on their parents’ traditions. At Clean & Clear, we wanted to educate them to choose better products for their young skin.

As a brand, we also wanted to increase awareness and drive sales by inspiring them to truly be themselves and make their own purchase decisions. We wanted to use music as a hook to allow girls to express their individuality and truly be comfortable in their own skin.

We believed that focusing on this passion point would in return drive her passion for the brand, and stabilize our declining share trend. Not only were there no new innovations or launches supporting the brand, but the product range was also cut by 20% during this time. So, it was essential for the brand to establish a strong connection with its audience and increase market share.


1.Spring: Partnership Announcement & Lyrics Drive

a.Announcement via a 17” video of The5 explaining the competition, running across Facebook & Instagram pages, as a pre-roll on YouTube and The5’s personal pages.

b.Lyrics were sourced from fans on Facebook and Instagram with entries that used both hash tags (#SeeTheRealMe #Write4The5).

2.Summer: Writing Camp

a.Giving fans access to the behind-the-scenes, we streamed a Facebook Live event allowing the winners to take over the brand’s social media for 24 hours

3.Fall: Back to School

a.For back to school, on digital, the video was released exclusively on our YouTube channel, and was additionally aired on television programs region wide. The single was commercially released to radio and streaming sites.

b.We followed up by airing a 13-part Writing Camp series on our YouTube channel. Made-for-social teasers ran on the brand’s social pages, leading viewers to the full episodes

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