Cannes Lions


ADAM&EVEDDB, London / HERTZ / 2015


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions






A young guy leaves his family home for University. His parents say an emotional farewell, sad to see their beloved son leave. But when they realise he’s taken everything in the house with him, it’s a different matter. He’s cleaned them out. Fitting it all in a Hertz Van Rental.


Mum and Dad stand on their driveway saying goodbye to their son who is off to university. It’s an emotional time, and we can see both parents are visibly upset.

He shuts the Hertz van doors and he gives his mum a big hug.

Mum: “Promise me you’ll eat something healthy every now and then.”

Son: “Yes mum.”

Dad: “Now drive carefully, alright?”

Son: “I will.”

Dad: “Well off you go.”

The son pulls out of the driveway, giving his parents one last smile as he goes.

We then cut to inside the house. Mum is still upset, so Dad tries to cheer her up by offering a cup of tea.

Dad: “I’ll get you a cuppa.”

Mum: “Thanks darling.”

Mum takes off her coat and goes to hang it up. However the coat falls to the floor without her noticing.

Dad walks into the kitchen.

Dad: “Have you seen the kettle?”

Mum: “huh?”

They glance around the kitchen, slightly confused.

Mum: “And the microwave?”

They start to look around the kitchen. They open the cutlery draw, which is empty, and the fridge, which has just one piece of unwanted broccoli sitting inside.

Next we see loads of quick cuts as the parents move through the house discovering what their son has taken.

Mum runs upstairs and we see the marks on the wall from where some pictures are missing.

Dad walks out of the kitchen revealing a gaping hole where the dishwasher once stood.

Mum goes to turn on the bathroom light but their son has even taken the light bulb.

We hear Dad shout from another room:

Dad: “He’s got the TV!”

We then cut to Dad in the garden looking at where the satellite dish has been unscrewed from the wall.

Dad: (mutters under his breath) “The dish.”

We then cut to both parents in their own bedroom. Dad is sitting on a bed that has been stripped of its sheets, whilst mum is at the window, upset that the curtains have also been taken. The wardrobe doors are open and we can see all the clothes have been piled on the floor, the coat hangers gone.

Mum is upset, Dad is totally stunned. Both look at each other, the same thought running through their mind. He hasn’t? They dash off into the garden.

We cut to outside. Mum is walking around with a lead frantically calling for the family dog, who is nowhere to be seen.


Title: You can take everything with Hertz Van Rental.


Dad pops his head out of the shed.

Dad: “He’s got my growbags! What does he want my growbags for?”

Hertz Logo Endframe.

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