Cannes Lions


PRETTYBIRD, Culver City / ADOBE / 2014

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An over-eager but under-educated Encyclopedia CEO goes a little crazy when his company sees a spike in online orders. Do you know what your marketing is doing?


Click, Baby, Click was one of those rare times when all the elements came together to create a strong piece despite a small budget. With shoot days averaging around $180K, the director relied on a combination of live-action and stock footage to create the humorous consequences of a baby clicking banner ads. Due to budget, we needed to create an international feel using a minimum of locations. For the larger set-pieces we reworked existing locations, including the LA Times printing press and a carpenter's scrapyard. For the nautical shots we matched pre-existing footage then added freight containers onto the moving vessels in post. For the encyclopedia publisher, we created a logo, texts, packaging, and distribution, along with their retro offices, in order to make it feel part of a cohesive world.

Casting was critical and despite the low budget, the director and his casting director went out to a number of talent with direct offers, knowing that they were the type of people we couldn’t afford, but also the type of people that do not always get direct offers. This created an atmosphere of trust and respect that really made for a great final product. The coup was getting Michael Lerner on board, who had been nominated for an Academy Award for Barton Fink, as he lent some real weight and gravitas to the world the director was creating.

Overall the production was a real passion project, with many departments going above and beyond to achieve our goals.

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