Cannes Lions

Click Bites

GALERIA, Sao Paulo / MCDONALD'S / 2024

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Case Film






In Brazil, McDonald’s achieves impressive numbers across all customer touchpoints. During and post-pandemic, we saw app engagement numbers soar. However, after a prolonged period of growth, we were reaching a plateau of stability. Therefore, creating a campaign that would once again increase the number of new users and spark interest in downloading and redeeming the coupons available in the McDonald’s app was necessary.

By aligning this challenge with users' consumption behavior, often distant from our main target, we arrived at the exciting idea of using programmatic media with clickbait to attract this new audience to the app. This innovative approach holds great potential to significantly increase our app engagement and user acquisition.


Clickbaits are all over the internet, often bringing misinformation and fake news and causing frustration. This happens mainly due to one factor: curiosity. Let's use curiosity to our advantage and turn clickbaits into a positive experience: ClickBites. As soon as you click on the sensational news about McDonald's, you'll be pleasantly surprised with a revelation that's bound to make your day. You'll discover that you've just won a fantastic discount coupon to use at McDonald's.


We ventured into an unusual place and used unconventional formats to attract new users and profiles and create new clusters/segmentations for McDonald's.

Our strategic move was to advertise in the middle of the month, a decision rooted in the understanding of the 'pocket journey,' a time when people are more susceptible to indulgence. This was anchored in a brand that resonates with this behavior.

Bringing a new flow movement in the app in the middle of the month generated new users, enhancing the CRM base on top of an unusual format for coupon redemption and introducing new behavior.


We strategically implemented hyperlinks for the most aggressive coupons, cleverly concealed within the McDonald’s Brazil app. Once the consumer engaged with our clickbaits, they were instantly rewarded and seamlessly integrated into our database for activation in future campaigns. This approach transformed every clickbait into a powerful tool for activating and recruiting our users for McDonald’s, shifting focus from our previously stabilizing campaigns within the app to a more dynamic engagement strategy.


- 50% more impressions on the advertised portals.

- Despite our focus on reach, we generated a significant number of clicks (9k), indicating the effectiveness of our strategy and the appeal of our content. Analyzing the market benchmark, our CTR was 190% above average. CTR = number of impressions vs. number of clicks.

- We wanted to show the campaign to the largest number of people possible, and we wanted people to see and click because of the Bait.

- 85% of the audience was impactfully engaged by our piece during the campaign period.

- During the campaign period, the number of users accessing the McDonald's app increased by 7%, representing around 30K more people per day.

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