Cannes Lions


INITIATIVE, Hong Kong / CNN / 2009

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We commissioned rising Indian artist Suryakant Lokhande to collect waste materials and to turn his pile of refuse into a work of art - a beautiful sculpture of a tiger that was displayed at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Mumbai.

This work of art became both the content and the message for our multi-platform campaign.

We devised print creative featuring both the waste and the sculpture that we ran regionally, such as the Financial Times and IHT – core reading material of CNN viewers.

We then took the tiger online with existing viewer websites like The Economist and Yahoo and new territory through Rediff and Facebook. The message was communicated virally through short videos on youtube and, and we amplified and supported the core communication through PR and bookstore activity. We also organised a special event at the art gallery in India.


Over one million people viewed content on CNN’s Going Green website.

There were over 3000 views of the films on YouTube.

Over a million people saw the print ads and 13,000 consumers were reached via book stores.

We generated PR coverage valued in excess of US$250,000.Going Green was a ratings success for CNN.

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